Economics 154
Economics of Discrimination
University of California, Berkeley
Spring 2016

Professor Martha Olney

Course Description:
Not all difference results from discrimination.  Not all discrimination results in observable differences.  This course will focus on issues of difference and discrimination associated with race, gender, or nation of birth, focusing particularly on markets other than the labor market.  Is there evidence of discrimination in credit markets?  Housing markets?  In education? How is econometrics used to address questions of discrimination?

Economics 154 is a seminar course with maximum enrollment of 20 students.  The format of a seminar course differs from the format of lecture courses.  Each week, there will be readings which you must complete before coming to class.  In the seminar, we discuss the readings.  Everyone has responsibility for being prepared and participating.  So to be a part of this class, you have to commit to making all class meetings and being present for the full three hours each week.

You must have completed Econ 140 or 141 (or equivalent) before taking this class.  You cannot take econometrics at the same time as you take 154.

Many of you will want to purchase Stata for your computer.  Follow the link below for "purchasing Stata with GradPlan."  You probably want Stata/IC13.  (If you anticipate using a very large data set (~1,000,000 observations), you'll need Stata/SE13.)  Whether you want a one-year or a perpetual license depends on what you expect to be doing next year.  If you're writing a thesis next year, or working, or going to grad school, then a perpetual license is probably worth the extra $90.  You don't have to purchase Stata; there are free copies available on campus.  But if you want the flexibility of working from home, anytime you want, with an interactive (vs batch) program, then you'll want to buy the software.  You also don't have to purchase Stata.  But it's the program that I know the best, so I can help you with Stata questions but not with questions about SAS or SPSS or Gretl or etc.

Meeting Time and Place:  Wednesdays, 2:10 - 5:00 p.m., 289 Cory
Prerequisites: Economics 100A, 100B, and 140 or 141
Enrollment:  Class is full.  No further admissions possible.
Final Exam Conflict?  There is no final exam for the course, so no conflicts.

Reader contents (with links)
 Reading Guide (.doc file)

Reading Guide (pdf file) website

Purchasing Stata/IC 14 with GradPlan

Using Stata (free) on campus

Online help for stata

Students' favorite Stata help link

UCLA Stata tutorial

Stata lesson handout (pdf file)
Iowa dataset (txt file)
Iowa dataset (xls file)
Iowa dataset (dta file)
Description of Iowa dataset Iowa dataset (SAS transport file)

Rubric: Article Summary (Jan 20) Rubric: Critical Analysis (Feb 10) Rubric: Data Analysis (Feb 24)
Rubric: Take-a-Stand paper (Mar 30) Rubric:  Presentations (Mar 30 & Apr) Rubric: Term paper (May 9)

Olney's bookmarks of data sites Olney's links to useful websites
Library site for Economics

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Page prepared by Prof. Martha Olney
Last updated 1/18/2016
University of California, Berkeley
Department of Economics
549 Evans Hall #3880
Berkeley CA  94720-3880
phone: 510-642-6083
fax: 510-642-6615