Economics H195A
Senior Honor's Thesis Seminar
University of California, Berkeley
Fall 2003
Professor Martha Olney  and  Professor Steve Goldman

NOTE: There will be two sections of 195A during Fall 2003.
Professor Goldman's section is designed for those who are doing theoretical topics or who already have a well-defined topic.
Professor Olney's section is designed for those who are doing empirical topics & those who do not yet have a topic.
Both sections will meet on Mondays 10 a.m. - 12 noon.

You may take Econ H195A for 1, 2, or 3 units.
The course requirements, amount of work you will do, and grading are independent of the number of units.

Take the course for as many units as you need to fill in your schedule.

Application for enrollment
Download & print out the applic.html file
Complete the application & take it to Sandy Jaeger in 543 Evans.
If you meet the gpa requirements, you are guaranteed a seat in one of the two sections of 195A.

Olney's Syllabus for Fall 2003 (pdf file)
(Adobe Acrobat Reader required: download here)

Past Theses

From "I want to write a thesis" 
to "Here is my topic, my research question(s), my data set, my prospectus, and my advisor" in
11 sometimes-easy steps
Information about Potential Advisors
List of Thesis Titles, Spring 2001

Economics Faculty, 
by Area of Interest
List of Thesis Titles, Spring 2002

List of Thesis Titles, Spring 2003

Economics Faculty Interviews 
(all years combined)

Links to useful or interesting papers, handouts, guides
Hal Varian's paper 
"How to Build an Economic Model in Your Spare Time"
(pdf file)
A guide to reading articles
(.pdf file)
Liz Cascio's handout 
"A guide to using Microsoft Excel"
(.xls file from Ec 140)

Where to find the
TSP software
Installing TSP
(.doc file from Ec 141)
Using TSP
(.doc file from Ec 141) website

Purchasing Stata with GradPlan

Online help for stata

Econ 190 students' favorite help link

 The Iowa Data Set
(.xls file)
   The Iowa Data Set as of 9/29/03
(.dta file)
The Iowa Data Set as of 10/13/03
(.dta file)

Return to Olney Home Page
Page prepared by Prof. M. Olney
Last updated 10/15/2003.