Economics 1
Introduction to Economics
University of California, Berkeley
Fall 2018

Professor Martha Olney: office hours (691 Evans): Tues 4:00-5:15 pm, Wed 11:30-12:30

Head GSI Vaishnavi Surendra: office hours (548 Evans):  Mon & Wed: 8.40 am - 9.40 am

"Tell me and I forget, teach me and I remember, involve me and I learn."     -- Ben Franklin

No laptops are allowed in Econ 1 lecture.

Tablets or tablet-PCs turned flat are ok.

Locations for MT #2, Tues Nov. 6, 8:10-9:30 pm
145 Dwinelle Hall: Bolu & Maximiliano
155 Dwinelle Hall: Adam, Nick S, Hadar, David
Wheeler Hall, Auditorium: Irina, Joan, John, Madeline, Nick F, Woojin

Be sure you have no conflicts with the following:
Midterm #1,
Thursday, September 27, 8-9:30 pm
Midterm #2, Tuesday, November 6, 8-9:30 pm
Final exam (slot #6, unique to Econ 1), Tuesday, December 11, 11:30-2:30

Piazza is used for posting your questions (and answering your classmates' questions).
bCourses is used for all other learning management tasks.

         FAQ about iClicker for Econ 1        FAQ about Enrollment in Econ 1

Fall 2018 syllabus

Lecture Outlines
(pdf files posted by 10 pm the night before class)

Discussion Section Points
(pdf file)

Reader Contents with links

You need the proxy server to follow some links

Section times, location, GSI
Includes GSI email address
and GSI office hours & office location

Links to problem set files
will go live when files
are uploaded

Discussion Questions for Reader Articles


P.S. 1
P.S. 1 solutions

Web Sites for You

Old Midterm #1 Exams

P.S. 2
P.S. 2 solutions

Khan Academy
(helpful for reviewing math;
also some econ)

Old Midterm #2 Exams

P.S. 3
P.S. 3 solutions
Economics Dept Tutoring Center

Old Final Exams

P.S. 4
P.S. 4 solutions

Student Learning Center

Midterm Regrade Policy

Errata sheet (aka, list of typos):
Micro/Macro as a 2nd Language

Webcasts are on bCourses
or CalCentral, MyAcademics tab
Readings Quizzes (dates in syllabus)
on bCourses
Section Exercise Solutions are on bCourses
Letter for employers & others
confirming dates and times of midterms

About the Turn-it-in Software (pdf)



Return to Martha Olney's Home Page

This page prepared by Professor Martha Olney

Last update 10/22/2018
University of California, Berkeley

Department of Economics
530 Evans Hall #3880
Berkeley CA  94720-3880
Olney office phone: 510-642-6083
Econ Dept fax: 510-642-6615