Graduation is (none) in the Hearst Greek Theatre. The ceremony should last 1 1/2 to 2 hours. An informal reception will immediately follow at the Campanile Esplanade on the main campus.
Please familiarize yourself with the ceremony details in advance to ensure that you comply with all requirements.
The doors will open at 1 pm for your guests. Graduates must be backstage by 1:30.
Every guest must have a ticket to be admitted to the ceremony. Children 2 and under and graduates do not need tickets. Tickets are available to graduating students who have signed up for Commencement and will not be sold directly to guests. There is no limit to the number of tickets you may obtain. Every graduate will receive 2 free tickets, additional tickets are $10 each. Tickets will be available from (none) and must be obtained in person in 543 Evans Hall. Any remaining tickets will be available beginning May 3 in 543 Evans Hall. Seating is by general admission.
Anyone finishing their coursework this Spring, Summer, or Fall, or who finished last summer or fall, is welcome to participate in the Commencement ceremony and should put their names in the Commencement Program. Only students who are actually finishing all their requirements and receiving a Spring degree should actually put their names on the Spring Degree List. The deadline to sign up to participate in commencement is (none). Sign ups are on-line at Most graduates wear caps and gowns. The Cal Student Store Special Services Department, on the ground floor in the Cal Student Store handles cap and gown rentals.
A professional photographer from Bob Knight Photography ( will take pictures of graduates as they receive their scrolls, as well as additional pictures prior to and during the ceremony. Although there is no obligation to buy these, information will be available if you do wish to purchase them. Students will receive an email proof of the pictures within 48 hours of the ceremony. Flowers will also be on sale at the Greek the day of the ceremony. The department does not guarantee the quality of the products of any of these vendors.
Please complete the "Survey of Recent Graduates" at The Career Center uses this information for their records and for future graduates.
The fastest way to check is to order a Degree Audit Report via Bear Facts. You may also submit a "Degree Check" request at 113 Campbell Hall. Finally, please check with the Economics Undergraduate Advisor to confirm that you have met the major requirements for graduation.
Indicate your intention to graduate either when you register for classes via Telebears, or in person at the Office of the Registrar (120 Sproul). After the third week, there is a $5 late fee. Between the fifth week and the eighth week, you may file a "Petition to be Added to the Degree List" in 113 Campbell Hall. Approval to be added late to the degree list is not automatic; each request is reviewed by Letters & Sciences.
Diplomas are not given out at the commencement ceremony. They are available approximately 4 months after you graduate (October for Spring degrees, December for Summer degrees, and April for Fall degrees) and can either be mailed to you or picked up. Contact the Office of the Registrar at 642-4721 or see the web site at for the most current information.
If you have completed all requirements and grades have been issued, you may file a request for an Early Dean's Report in 113 Campbell Hall. After determining that you've met all you requirements, L&S will notify the Office of the Registrar, who will issue a Certificate of Completion. The process takes approximately four weeks.
To earn departmental honors, you must have a 3.5 GPA in upper-division economics requirements, a 3.3 GPA overall, and complete the thesis writing course, H195B. See the undergraduate handbook for more information. You can also earn recognition of distinction in general scholarship through Letters & Science. The level of distinction is determined by overall GPA. The established minimum GPA required varies from year to year. For more information, contact Letters & Science at 113 Campbell Hall.
For more information see the "Frequently Asked Questions: Graduation" handout available at 113 Campbell Hall or the College of Letters & Science Announcement "Earning Your Degree or check the L&S website at