Data from Hall, Jaffe, and Trajtenberg (2005), "Market value and patent citstions," Rand Journal of Economics 36 (2005): 16-38. 1,982 firms unbalanced for 1979-1988. hjtgood.dta obs: 12,118 vars: 39 16 Mar 2016 11:08 size: 1,514,750 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- storage display value variable name type format label variable label -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ca float %9.0g Cite stock-capital stock ratio citepat float %9.0g Cite stock-patent sotck ratio citernd float %9.0g Cite stock-R&D stock ratio cstock float %9.0g Citation stock for patent apps this year cstockdc float %6.1f Cite-yr-dep cite stk dcite byte %9.0g Dummy for zero cite stock dpat byte %9.0g Dummy for zero patent stock drnd byte %9.0g Dummy for zero R&D dself0 byte %9.0g Dummy for no self cites to pat apps this year dself1 byte %9.0g Dummy for all self cites to pat apps thia year futcpat float %9.0g Future cite stock-patent stock ratio futcrnd float %9.0g Future cite stock-R&D stock ratio hmsect byte %9.0g hmlabel Hall-Mairesse industry sector id double %12.0g Numeric ID for firm ind byte %9.0g hvlabel ~2-digit industry code (ARDSIC) k float %9.0g R&D stock, end of year (M$ curr ka float %9.0g R&D stock-capital stock ratio kdef92 float %9.0g R&D deflator (1992=1) logq float %9.0g Logarithm of Tobin's q netcap float %9.0g Net Cap Stock (end of yr, M$ cu npatbh int %9.0g Patent apps this yr pa float %9.0g Patent stock-capital stock ratio pastcpat float %9.0g Past cite stock-patent stock ratio pastcrnd float %9.0g Past cite stock-R&D stock ratio patrnd float %9.0g Patent stock-R&D stock ratio pstock float %9.0g Dep. pat stock q float %9.0g Tobin's q (V/A) r float %9.0g R&D expenditure (M$ current) rdefl float %9.0g R&D deflator rstop byte %9.0g Dummy for years after firm stopped doing R&D s float %9.0g Sales (M$ current) selfpat float %9.0g Self cite stock-patent stock ratio selfrnd float %9.0g Self cite stock-R&D stock ratio shself float %9.0g Undep selfcite share shselfd float %9.0g Dep. selfcite share tech byte %13.0g techlab Technology class indicator for firm's industry (1-6) totpat int %9.0g Sum of patent applications in all years totpatyr int %9.0g Sum of patent apps in all previous years year int %8.0g 4-digit Year