Fiscal Policy:Lessons from Economic Research, edited by Alan J. Auerbach
Compilation of original papers presented at a 1996 conference sponsored
by the Robert D. Burch Center for Tax Policy and Public Finance at the
University of California, Berkeley, The MIT Press.
Henry Aaron, Douglas Bernheim, David Cutler, Nada Eissa, Jeffrey Frankel,
William Gale, Roger Gordon, Edward Gramlich, Bronwyn Hall, Ken Hassett,
James Hines, Hilary Hoynes, Glenn Hubbard, Robert Inman, Laurence Kotlikoff,
Robert Moffitt, Joseph Newhouse, James Poterba, John Quigley, Robert Reischauer,
David Romer, Daniel Rubinfield, John Shoven, Jonathan Skinner, Joel Slemrod,
John Taylor.