Still 12/7/00 RSAS reception. Kenneth, Rob, and Ray discussing ties: patterned or plain? contrast, tone-on-tone, or matching? Serious stuff. Christoffer Berg and Dan consulting over tomorrow's schedule. Christoffer was efficient, gracious, witty, and charming. And cute!
Kenneth and Harry Colgan (Maye's husband) in front of a painting. The RSAS building was full of old, old paintings, lofty ceilings, and chandeliers. 12/08/00 at Aula Magna, Stockholm University. Dan's opening remarks of his Nobel Lecture.
Well into the Nobel Lecture, and the audience is riveted because, believe it or not, Dan did not resort to writing out any equations! Dan with Kenneth and Grace after the Nobel Lecture. We've been together since the days of the travel demand forecasting project. (Despite what you hear, Dan did not design BART.)

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