capture program drop fan_reg program def fan_reg * Fan Locally-weighted nonparametric regression, quartic kernel */ * Refer to URL:, or the Deaton book */ * fan_reg performs the locally-weighted nonparametric regression: *argument 1 is the dependent variable (input) *argument 2 is the explanatory variable (input) *argument 3 is the estimated regression function (output) *argument 4 is the derivative of the regression function (output) *argument 5 is the bandwidth (input) *argument 6 is the grid over the explanatory variable for evaluation */ *argument 7 is the number of points to calculate * ic is the loop counter local ic = 1 * Generate the estimated function (3) and its derivative (4) */ gen `3' = . gen `4' = . local gsize = `7' + 1 * Loop until reaching the last cell of the grid */ while `ic' <= `gsize' { * Display the counter *dis `ic' quietly { * Get the ic entry in the grid * local xx = `6'[`ic'] * Absolute value of x - x(i), divided by the bandwidth gen z = abs((`2' - `xx')/`5') * Observation i gets the following quartic kernel weight gen kz = (15/16)*(1 - z^2)^2 if z<=1 * Perform the regression weighted by the kernel (analogous to GLS) capture reg `1' `2' [aw=kz] if kz~=. ,robust * The estimated regression is the value at x capture replace `3' = _b[_cons]+_b[`2']*`xx' in `ic' * The estimated slope is the coefficient estimate at x capture replace `4' = _b[`2'] in `ic' drop z kz } local ic = `ic' + 1 } end program define fanreg syntax varlist [if] [,reps(integer 50) cluster(varlist) bw(real 5) np(integer 50) maxminon max(real 0) min(real 0) title(passthru) xtitle(passthru) ytitle(passthru) saving(passthru) ygen(string) xgen(string) graph(string) ylabel(passthru) yline(passthru) xline(passthru)] *************** Explation of this program and method *This uses a fan locally weighted nonparametric regression *( standard errors are recovemaroon through bootstrapping with replacement. *****CODE FROM REBECCA THORNTON! set seed 1000 tokenize `varlist' local theDepVar = "`1'" mac shift local theXVar = "`*'" * Range of independent variable qui summ `theXVar' if `theDepVar' != . local xmin = r(min) local xmax = r(max) * Number of points at which to calculate, 50 to 100 are typically fine local gsize = `np' + 1 * Size of each step local st = (`xmax' - `xmin')/(`gsize'-1) * Bandwidth - equal to 1-Nth of total distance local h = (`xmax' - `xmin') / `bw' * name y variable for output local yvar = "`ygen'" local xvar = "`xgen'" * turn graph on or off (on is default); set to "off" to supress graphs local graph = "`graph'" *display "`yvar'" *Num bootstrap reps local numreps = `reps' pause preserve * reduce observations according to [if] if "`if'" != "" { qui keep `if' } tempfile testfile lw_boot qui save `testfile' qui use `testfile', clear qui gen replic = 0 qui gen ESTFCT= . qui gen xgrid = . qui gen ESTDER= . qui keep in 1/1 qui save `lw_boot', replace if "`cluster'" != "" { local clusterstring = ", cluster(`cluster')" } else { local clusterstring = "" } * Perform the bootstrap local jc = 1 while `jc' <= `numreps' { if mod(`jc',10) == 0 { display `jc' _continue } else { display "." _continue } drop _all qui use `testfile',clear bsample `clusterstring' * This takes a sample of size _N (sample size), with replacement qui gen xgrid = `xmin' + (_n-1)*`st' in 1/`gsize' qui fan_reg `theDepVar' `theXVar' ESTFCT ESTDER `h' xgrid `np' drop `theDepVar' `theXVar' * Only keep the regression results qui keep in 1/`gsize' qui gen replic = `jc' * "Stack" simulated regression results append using `lw_boot' qui save `lw_boot', replace local jc = `jc' + 1 } * Recover the standard errors qui use `lw_boot',clear * Drop the "useless" initial values qui drop if replic == 0 /* Compute the variation at each grid point */ qui egen sdESTFCT = sd(ESTFCT), by(xgrid) qui egen sdESTDER = sd(ESTDER), by(xgrid) /* Only keep the standard errors */ sort xgrid /* Only keep the first observation at each grid point */ quietly by xgrid: drop if _n ~= 1 qui keep xgrid sdESTFCT sdESTDER sort xgrid qui save `lw_boot',replace clear /* Perform the Fan regression */ qui use `testfile' qui gen xgrid = `xmin' + (_n-1)*`st' in 1/`gsize' qui fan_reg `theDepVar' `theXVar' ESTFCT ESTDER `h' xgrid `np' qui keep EST* xgrid sort xgrid /* Keep only the regression output */ qui keep in 1/`gsize' /* Merge the bootstrap standard error results */ qui merge xgrid using `lw_boot' qui tab _me qui drop _me qui save `lw_boot', replace /* Compute 95 percent confidence bands */ /* Regression */ qui use `lw_boot', clear qui gen ESTFCT_u = ESTFCT + 1.96*sdESTFCT qui gen ESTFCT_l = ESTFCT - 1.96*sdESTFCT /* Derivative */ qui gen ESTDER_u = ESTDER + 1.96*sdESTDER qui gen ESTDER_l = ESTDER - 1.96*sdESTDER sort xgrid sort xgrid pause if "`maxminon'" == "maxminon" & "`max'" != "" & (`max' != 0 | `min' != 0) { qui replace ESTFCT = . if ESTFCT > `max' & ESTFCT != . qui replace ESTFCT_l = . if ESTFCT_l > `max' & ESTFCT_l != . qui replace ESTFCT_u = . if ESTFCT_u > `max' & ESTFCT_u != . pause } if "`maxminon'" == "maxminon" & "`min'" != "" & (`max' != 0 | `min' != 0) { qui replace ESTFCT = . if ESTFCT < `min' & ESTFCT != . qui replace ESTFCT_l = . if ESTFCT_l < `min' & ESTFCT_l != . qui replace ESTFCT_u = . if ESTFCT_u < `min' & ESTFCT_u != . pause } pause if "`graph'" != "off" { /* Graph the function and bounds */ if "`maxminon'" == "maxminon" { twoway (line ESTFCT xgrid, sort) (line ESTFCT_u xgrid, sort clpat(shortdash) cmissing(n)) (line ESTFCT_l xgrid, sort clpat(shortdash) cmissing(n)), legend(off) `title' `xtitle' `ytitle' `saving' `ylabel' `yline' `xline' yscale(range(`min' `max')) } else { twoway (line ESTFCT xgrid, sort) (line ESTFCT_u xgrid, sort clpat(shortdash) cmissing(n)) (line ESTFCT_l xgrid, sort clpat(shortdash) cmissing(n)), legend(off) `title' `xtitle' `ytitle' `saving' `ylabel' `yline' `xline' } } *** Save y and x variables if they have been asked for (must ask for both) if "`yvar'" != "" & "`xvar'" != "" { tempname file sortvar qui keep ESTFCT* xgrid *disp "HERE2a `yvar' `xvar'" ren ESTFCT `yvar' ren ESTFCT_u `yvar'_u ren ESTFCT_l `yvar'_l ren xgrid `xvar' qui keep `yvar' `yvar'_u `yvar'_l `xvar' sort `xvar' qui g `sortvar' = _n sort `sortvar' tempname file qui save `file', replace } /* Graph the derivative and bounds */ *twoway (line ESTDER xgrid, sort) (line ESTDER_u xgrid, sort clpat(dash)) (line ESTDER_l xgrid, sort clpat(dash) xtitle("`theXVar'") ytitle("`theDepVar' ") ) restore *** Bring generated variables back in if "`yvar'" != "" & "`xvar'" != "" { g `sortvar' = _n sort `sortvar' merge `sortvar' using `file' drop _merge drop `sortvar' } end