Installation instructions

System requirements

SST operates on the IBM PC, XT, AT and compatibles equipped with at least 384K of RAM. A hard disk is strongly recommended, though it is possible to run SST without one. Version 2.0 or higher of PC-DOS or MS-DOS is required. If your computer has either an 8087 or 80287 numeric coprocessor installed, SST will utilize it, but a numeric coprocessor is not required. SST can handle data sets that are too large to be loaded into memory at once, but certain statistical procedures are limited by the amount of installed user memory. We recommend at least 512K of RAM.

These installation instructions presume some understanding of PC-DOS or MS-DOS. Some basic DOS commands are discussed in Chapter One of the SST User's Guide.

Files on the distribution diskettes

This package contains two diskettes: the program diskette (which contains SST.EXE) and an examples diskette which contains the following files:

BKW.DAT         ASCII data file
BKW.SAV         Data file in SST format
DEMO.CMD        SST command file
SST2FLOP.BAT    Batch file to execute SST on a two floppy disk system
READ.ME         Miscellaneous information

The BKW.DAT dataset is from D. A. Belsey, E. Kuh, and R. E. Welsch, Regression Diagnostics, (Wiley, 1980), pp. 56-57. BKW.SAV is the same data in SST system file format.

Floppy disk installation

To run SST on a floppy disk system, you should first boot your system using your DOS diskette. Before executing SST you should make a backup copy of the SST distribution diskette for safe keeping. Give the command:

A>format b: /v

DOS will ask you to insert a blank diskette in the B: drive. When the format is complete, DOS asks whether you want to format another diskette, type N for no and press the <Enter> key), insert your SST program diskette in the A: drive and give the command:

A>copy a:*.* b:

When you are finished, remove the SST program diskette from the A: drive and put it in a safe place. To execute the SST demo program, insert the SST examples diskette into the A: drive and type:


When the SST prompt SST1> appears, type:

SST1> run demo

and the demo program will execute.

Hard disk installation

To run SST from a hard disk, we recommend that you make a subdirectory SST to hold your SST files. From the C prompt, type:

C>mkdir sst

Make the SST subdirectory the default directory:

C>cd sst

Place your SST distribution diskette in the A: drive and copy the files to the SST directory on your hard disk:

C>copy a:*.* /v

Now remove your SST distribution diskette from the A: drive and put it away in a safe place. To run SST, type:

C>sst demo

and SST will execute a demonstration file. If you want to enter your own SST commands interactively, type instead:


and the SST prompt will appear.

If you want to use SST while working in another directory, it is necessary to specify a path to the SST subdirectory. To do this, give the DOS command:

C>path C:>sst;

This command can be inserted in your autoexec.bat file.

SST graphics installation

SST version 1.1 incorporates an integrated graphics capability. We provide screen drivers for the IBM monochrome adapter, the IBM color graphics adapter, and the Hercules graphics adapter.

If you have either an IBM monochrome adapter or IBM Color Graphics Adapter, SST will sense its presence. For the Hercules graphics adapter, it is necessary to set an environment variable while in DOS. From the DOS prompt issue the following command.

A>set sstterm=herc

This command may be inserted into your autoexec.bat file. Note that the Compaq and Zenith monochrome graphics screens are compatible with the IBM Color Graphics Adapter.

SST now supports the enhanced graphics adapter (EGA). To use the EGA in high resolution mode, set the environment variable SSTTERM to ega. Users with AT&T 6300's may use their graphics monitors in high resolution mode by setting SSTTERM to 6300.

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