A tutorial introduction to SST

SST, short for Statistical Software Tools, performs a large (and ever expanding) variety of statistical functions. These functions include the entering, editing, transforming, and recoding of data that every statistical package must have. Beyond data manipulation and frequently used statistical procedures (such as regression analysis), SST is geared toward the estimation of complicated statistical models. It is SST's ability to handle difficult estimation problems -- and handle them relatively quickly -- that distinguishes it from its competitors.

The purpose of this tutorial is to give the new user a short guided tour through SST. We do not attempt to cover any advanced features here, but after spending twenty or thirty minutes with the tutorial, you should be able to run regressions using SST and understand the flavor of the program.

A bit of background. SST was the idea of two econometricians at the California Institute of Technology, Jeff Dubin and Doug Rivers. The bulk of the programming was carried out by a group of present and former Caltech students (Bob Lord, Richard Murray, Steve Beccue, Dave Agabra, Carl Lydick, Dave Beccue, and others). SST, however, is not supported by or in any way affiliated with the California Institute of Technology. SST was designed with four primary considerations in mind:

  1. It should be easy to use. The target audience, of course, was not a novice user, but the program should not be difficult to learn or, once learned, hard to use. We decided to make the program command-driven. Understanding of a few simple commands is enough to get you started. Later, new commands can be learned to perform more difficult tasks.

  2. The program should be able to handle the sort of problems that frequently arise in our own research. Many microcomputer statistical packages, we found, could not handle the size datasets that our work requires -- the size datasets that many social scientists would expect a mainframe statistical package to handle without difficulty. Moreover, few mainframe packages were programmed for the estimation problems that we often encounter (multinomial logit, general maximum likelihood estimation, regression diagnostics, etc.).

  3. Microcomputer programs that could handle datasets as large as our work required often turned out to be unbearably slow. Whenever we added a procedure, we reworked the code many times (often rewriting large sections in assembly language) until we achieved reasonable speed. To us, reasonable means faster turnaround time than we would get time-sharing on a superminicomputer. To our programmers, the quest for speed must have sometimes seemed like the holy grail.

  4. We like to compute on different machines and under different operating systems. One of us is a UNIX fan and insisted on being able to run SST under UNIX. SST will run on any MS-DOS system and any UNIX system -- with no changes in syntax. If you want to run SST on some other computer, we can probably supply you with a version of SST that will work on that computer if we can find a satisfactory C compiler for that computer.

If SST meets these four goals -- simple to learn and use commands, powerful estimation capabilities, speedy operation, and complete portability and compatibility of versions between different operating systems, then we think our effort will have been successful. This does not mean that SST will satisfy everyone's statistical needs. We wrote it to satisfy our own needs, not some nonexistent general user. But if your needs are at all like our own, then we think you will be satisfied with the result.

Getting started

SST can be run in either interactive or batch mode. Interactive mode seems easiest -- at first. When you make a mistake, SST informs you and you can make corrections immediately. For complex tasks involving many commands, batch files can be more efficient. Later we will show you some of SST's unique features which enable you to combine the best features of each mode -- interaction with the program with less typing than a purely interactive approach would require.

We will start with SST initially in interactive mode. To invoke SST from MS-DOS, issue the command:


SST loads quickly (under five seconds on an IBM PC/AT). You will be greeted with the following response:

SST - Statistical Software Tools - Version 1.0
Copyright 1985,1986 by J.A. Dubin and R.D. Rivers


The string SST1> (not shown in the examples below) is the SST prompt. Whenever it appears, SST is ready to receive your commands. SST doesn't need to know the size of your datasets, but you can save the program some work if you tell it the maximum number of observations (or cases) that you expect to be working with. We will initially specify a limit of one hundred observations:

range obs[1-100]

The RANGE statement doesn't commit us to 100 observations. We can always issue a new RANGE statement increasing the number of observations, but by limiting the sample this way we tell SST not to waste its time (and ours) by worrying about data vectors longer than 100 observations. Failure to issue the range statement will slow processing and may lead to out of memory conditions.

The RANGE statement also illustrates the standard format of SST commands. Each SST command has a name, such as `range', which should be typed first. The command is modified by subops (in this case, the OBS subop informs SST about which observations are active). Most subops take arguments, enclosed with square brackets []. The OBS subop, for example, takes a list of observations as its argument (in the above example 1-100 or, equivalently if you really like to type, 1 2 3-8 9 10 11-99 100). There are also subops which don't take arguments. One that works with nearly every command is the TIME subop. Including the TIME subop in the RANGE command, as follows:

range obs[1-100] time

would cause SST to print the elapsed time between the time it received a command and it finished executing it. (If you want a thrill, try timing a statistical procedure using your old statistical package and then try the same thing with SST using the TIME subop.)

For a listing of available SST commands, type:


and SST responds with a complete list of command names. If you don't know or remember the syntax of an SST command, type `help' followed by the command name. For example:

help range

produces a summary of the syntax of the range statement:

RANGE {OBS[observation list]2 {IF[expression]2 {TIME2

Keywords are printed in upper case. SST doesn't care whether you type keywords in upper case or lower case, but you may not abbreviate or misspell the keywords. Optional subops are enclosed in braces (`{' and `}'). Don't type the braces (they have a special meaning in SST). Arguments to subops are described in lower case letters. For example, the syntax summary reminds you that the OBS subop takes a list of observations as its argument. If you need more information about a command beyond that provided by the HELP command, consult the SST User's Guide or Reference Manual.

Congratulations. If you have followed up to this point, you have successfully executed some SST commands. Of course, nothing useful has been accomplished yet. Now, we're ready to get down to work.

Entering and saving data

The simplest way to enter data is to create a text file containing your data using either a word processor (such as WordStar) or an editor (the IBM-PC comes equipped with a rudimentary editor called EDLIN). If you create a data file this way, make sure that your word processor does not include hidden control characters in the file. Numbers in the file should be separated by blanks, commas, or newline characters (carriage returns). If you are accustomed to working with large datasets on tape, you may feel more comfortable with fixed formats, where each variable occupies a particular column position. SST can read data in this form using a Fortran style format specification, but we will not discuss it here. See the SST User's Guide for details.

There are two basic ways to organize data in a text file. If you have ten observations on five variables, one way is to first list the values for each of the five variables for the first observation, followed by the values of the five variables for the second observation, and so forth. This is called listing by observation, and is the default in SST. The other way is to first list all ten observations for the first variable, followed by all ten observations for the second variable, and so forth. This way is called listing by variable or, naturally enough, BYVAR in SST.

The last thing to do before giving SST your data file is to think up names for your variables. SST names are limited to a maximum of eight characters and can be composed of alphabetic characters, digits, and the underscore character (`_'). For illustration, suppose the file data.raw contains the following numbers:

1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15

(Not a very interesting dataset, but it will do for now.) Further, suppose that these data represent five observations on each of three variables and are organized by observation. We have chosen the rather uninspired names var1, var2, and var3 for the variables. The following command would have SST read the data:

read to[var1 var2 var3] file[data.raw]

The TO subop tells SST to create three variables with the assigned names and then to read data on these variables from the file specified in the FILE subop. Note that variable names in the TO subop were separated by spaces. We could just as well have used commas to separate the variable names. SST now has the following data in memory:

obsno   var1    var2    var3
  1       1       2       3
  2       4       5       6
  3       7       8       9
  4      10      11      12
  5      13      14      15

You did not create the variable obsno (SST did this automatically), but you can refer to it just like any other variable.

If we had told SST instead that the data were organized by variable:

read to[var1 var2 var3] file[data.raw] byvar

then SST would have the following data in memory:

obsno var1 var2 var3 1 1 6 11 2 2 7 12 3 3 8 13 4 4 9 14 5 5 10 15

The BYVAR subop does not take any arguments.

Now that your data is in SST, you may want to save it in a form that will allow you to skip the READ command when you use the data again. SST has its own compact format for saving data files. These files have the advantage that they can be read very quickly and that all information about a variable (labels, missing values, date last modified) is stored with the data values in an SST system file. If you give the command:

save file[olddata]

SST will save var1, var2, and var3 in the file newdata.sav. Note that SST automatically adds the extension `.sav' to system files, unless you specify some other extension in the FILE subop. If, for some reason, you only want to save variables selectively, add the VAR subop specifying which variables are to be saved:

save file[newdata] var[var1 var2]

The file newdata.sav would differ from olddata.sav only in that var3 was excluded from the former and included in the latter.

Saving data does not remove that data from memory. It is still available for use during the current session. It is also a simple matter to reenter saved data into SST. Just issue the command LOAD:

load file[newdata]

As with the SAVE command, the FILE subop of the LOAD command will assume the file extension `.sav' unless some other extension is specified. The SST system file newdata.sav contains five observations on each of the variables var1 and var2 which would again be available for data analysis.

There are other ways to enter data into SST. The ENTER command (described in the User's Guide) is convenient for entering small amounts of data from the keyboard. SST can also interchange data from other programs such as dBASE II and VisiCalc by simply specifying the format of the file to be read (DB2 or DIF). This feature is covered in more detail in the User's Guide.

Data transformations and recoding

Once your data has been read, you will probably want to make some adjustments to it. For example, one variable (faminc) might be the income of families in a sample of households, but the relevant variable might be the logarithm of family income. We can use the SET statement to create a new variable loginc:

set loginc = log(faminc)

SST has a wide variety of functions including, as we will explain below, ones you define yourself. A few of the most commonly used functions are:

log()           natural logarithm
exp()           exponentiation
sqrt()          square roots
abs()           absolute value
cumnorm()       cumulative normal probabilities
phi()           normal probability density function
bvnorm()        bivariate normal probabilities

SST also can perform all the standard arithmetic operations. For example:

set z = (x-y)\^3 / sqrt(x*y)

would be equivalent to:

     (x - y)^3
z =  ---------

The rules of precedence for evaluating complex expressions are standard, but if you have any doubts about what SST will do, add extra parentheses to be on the safe side.

It is also possible to perform conditional transformations. For example, suppose our dataset has three variables: hinc (husband's income), winc (wife's income), and head (a dummy variable which takes the value 1 if the wife is classified as head of household and the value 0 if the husband is classified as the head of household). To form a new variable which is the income of the head of household, we could issue two set statements:

set headinc = winc; if[head==1]
set headinc = hinc; if[head==0]

We have introduced a new subop, IF, which controls which observations the command will be applied to. The argument to the IF subop is a logical expression, which can either be true or false. If the expression in the IF subop is true for a particular observation in the active sample range, then the set statement will be performed for that observation; otherwise that observation will be skipped.

Note in the above SET statement that the transformation was set off from the IF subop with a semicolon (`;'). The semicolon is required if some additional subops appear in the command, but otherwise may be omitted.

Logical expressions in the IF subop can use any of the following relational operators:

==      equals to
>       greater than
>=      greater than or equals to
<       less than
<=      less than or equals to
!=      not equals to

Logical expressions can also be made fairly complex by using some additional operators. Any of the standard arithmetic operators can be used in logical expressions, as well as the following logical operators:

&       and
|       or (nonexclusive)
!       negation

For example, to set faminc equal to the combined income of the husband and wife only for those families with a male head and combined income of less than $25,000:

set faminc = hinc+winc; if[(head==1) & (hinc+winc$<$25000)]

Also, if the IF subop does not contain a relational operator, the logical expression is evaluated numerically and values of one are interpreted as being true. Thus, since head is a dummy variable (taking values of one and zero), the following SET statement will work on only the one values (female head):

set faminc = winc; if[head]

while the following SET statement will only work on the zero values (male head):

set faminc = hinc; if[!head]

This feature means that the IF subop can be used like the Boolean subop found in some other statistical packages.

It is also possible to modify the operation of the SET statement with the OBS subop, which restricts the range of observations on which the operation will be performed. For example, to transform only the first ten observations:

set loginc = log(faminc); obs[1-10]

The OBS subop can be combined with the IF subop if further control over the range of the transformation is desired. The OBS and IF subops only modify the active sample range for the particular command they are issued with. Afterwards, the sample range returns to whatever it was previously (as determined by the RANGE statement, if issued).

If a particular transformation is going to be used over and over again, it is simpler to define a function which will perform this transformation using the DEFINE statement. Sociologists frequently "standardize" their data to have mean zero and variance one, and the resulting variable is sometimes called a z-score. If you do this often, it is probably worthwhile to define a z-score function:

define zscore(x,meanx,varx) = (x - meanx)/sqrt(varx)

In the above expression, x, meanx, and varx are parameters that the user can supply when needed, rather than existing variables in memory. Later, to standardize a variable y which has mean -5.33 and variance 8.85, we could issue the following set statement:

set zy = zscore(y,-5.33,8.85)

Then zy would be the standardized version of y.

SST also has the ability to recode data. The RECODE command uses the MAP subop to provide a list of values of the old variable which will be recoded into a new variable. Sometimes, for example, we might want to have a dummy variable coded +1 and -1 instead of 1 and 0. We could recode the variable head by issuing a SET statement:

set newhead = -1; if[head==0]

The variable newhead equals 1 if the wife is head of household and -1 if the husband is head of household. The same task could be accomplished using the RECODE command:

recode var[head] map[1=1 0=-1] to[newhead]

Three new subops have been encountered in the RECODE command. The VAR subop takes a list of one or more variables which will be operated upon. The TO subop takes a list of one or more variables which will be created by the procedure. In the above example, both the VAR and TO subops were given only one variable, but it would be possible to recode several variables simultaneously. The number of variables specified in the VAR subop must always equal the number of variables specified in the TO subop. The MAP subop in the example tells SST how to recode the variable head into the new variable newhead. When head equals 1, newhead will equal 0, and when head equals 0, newhead will equal -1. Actually, the assignment of the value 1 to newhead when head equals 1 is redundant, since values of head which are not specified in the MAP subop are automatically written to the new variable. Thus the last RECODE statement is equivalent to:

recode var[head] map[0 = -1] to[newhead]

The TO subop is optional in the RECODE statement. If the TO subop is omitted, the new variable is written over the old variable. When this is done, the old data is lost.

Descriptive statistics

We now assume that data has been read into memory and whatever transformations that you desired have been performed. To check which variables are stored in memory, try the LIST command:


LIST can be used with some subops to obtain different information, but we will not discuss them here. We will assume that variables x, y, and z are now stored in memory. It is always a good practice to examine the data carefully to see that the data are what you think they should be. Descriptive statistics can be calculated using the COVA command:

cova var[x y z]

COVA now prints the means, standard deviations, minimum and maximum values of each variable in the VAR subop. It is possible to restrict the amount of output that COVA prints by specifying one or more of the following subops:


If any of these subops is included with the COVA statement, only the requested information will be printed. To get only the means and standard deviations of the variables x and y, give the command:

cova var[x y] mean std

Using the COV subop will display the correlation/covariance matrix. The correlation/covariance matrix contains variances of the variables on the diagonal, correlations above the diagonal, and covariances below the diagonal.

Some users find typing subop names tedious and prefer to have SST prompt them for subop arguments and options. If you type a command such as COVA which requires one or more subops, SST will prompt you for missing subops. For example, type:


and SST will respond:


You now type the list of variables for which you desire descriptive statistics:

VAR[]: x y

In using subop prompting you do not enclose subop arguments in brackets. Since VAR is the only required subop for the COVA command, SST now asks you for a list of options:

OPTIONS: mean std

where the response mean std was supplied by the user. Subops entered in response to the OPTIONS prompt should be written out in full, e.g.

OPTIONS: coef[beta] covmat[cov] pred[xbeta]

You may also want a scatterplot of the data. Currently SST supports plots in both character and graphics mode, depending upon how you have your system equipped. (See the Installation Instructions for details on how to configure your system.) Character plotting is rather crude since the limited resolution of the screen does not permit plotting more than one or two hundred data points. In graphics mode, however, SST scatterplots are feasible for large datasets.

To obtain a simple scatterplot of x and y, with x on the horizontal axis and y on the vertical axis, give the following command:

scat var[y x]

The VAR subop specifies which variables to plot with the first variable defining the horizontal axis and the second variable defining vertical axis. (In fact, the SCAT command has quite a few variations. See the SST User's Guide for further details.)

Regression analysis

Regression analysis is the most commonly used procedure in applied econometrics. Unfortunately, although most statistical packages allow users to run regressions relatively painlessly, few allow the user much interaction with the data as he or she is running the regressions. SST includes several useful diagnostic tools that should enable users to have a better understanding of the nature and quality of estimated regression equations.

A linear regression equation takes the form:

where i denotes observations, Y is the dependent variable, X_1, ..., X_k are the independent variables, and Ui is an unobserved error. Usually, one of the independent variables is constant (e.g., X_1i = 1 for all i). In SST if you want a constant term, you will have to create one and include it in the equation:

set one=1

Note that one pitfall of the SET statement is that if no RANGE statement is in effect, the above command will create a vector of 8000 one's, which is time consuming and wastes memory. At this point we can regress y on x, z, and a constant:

reg dep[y] ind[one x z]

SST will print out ordinary least squares estimates of this equation along with standard errors, t-statistics, and the R^2.

The power of the REG command, however, is not illustrated by this simple example. If a regression is worth running, it is also worth the time to check for patterns in the residuals. SST allows users to save residuals and predicted values with the subops RSD and PRED :

reg dep[y] ind[one x z] pred[yhat] rsd[u]

The subops PRED and RSD take as their argument a variable name in which the predicted values and residuals, respectively, will be stored. Once created, the variables yhat and u can be printed, plotted, and otherwise manipulated like any other variable.

Two other useful diagnostics, suggested by Belsey, Kuh, and Welch in their book, Regression Diagnostics (Wiley, 1980), are available in SST. Studentized residuals (residuals divided by their estimated standard deviations) can be obtained by including the SRSD subop, which takes a variable name as an argument. The diagonal elements of the hat matrix can be obtained by including the HAT subop, which also takes a variable name as an argument. Large values (positive or negative) of the studentized residuals indicate outliers, while large values of the hat matrix diagonal elements indicate observations with high leverage (i.e., the estimated regression will be sensitive to the deletion of these observations).

It is often informative to rerun a regression after deleting observations which are either outliers or high leverage points. First, we might run the above regression and save the studentized residuals in a variable called srsd1 and the hat values in a variable called hat1:

reg dep[y] ind[one x z] srsd[srsd1] hat[hat1]

Next, we could delete observations for which the studentized residuals are greater than two in absolute value or the corresponding hat element is greater than two:

reg dep[y] ind[one x z] if[(abs(srsd1) $<$ 2) $|$ (hat $<$ 2)]

The IF statement modifies the sample range used to calculate the regression. Only observations for which the expression inside the If subop is true will be used for estimation.

The estimation range for the REG command can also be modified using the OBS subop. For example, we may want to check for possible nonlinearities or interactions by splitting the sample depending on whether z was greater than or less than some value (say 3.5):

reg dep[y] ind[one x z] if[z > 3.5]
reg dep[y] ind[one x z] if[z <= 3.4]

The above two REG commands would produce two regressions corresponding to the division of the sample by values of z.

Helpful hints

If you want to end the SST session now, issue the command:


and SST returns you to the operating system. The QUIT command is very simple; it takes no subops.

Operating SST in interactive mode sometimes seems to require too much typing. If an operation needs to be repeated with minor modification, we would rather not have to retype the entire command. One way to lessen the typing required is to create a batch file with a word processor or editor. Your word processor allows you to duplicate lines, making small changes as necessary, and to create large files of commands relatively quickly.

If you have created a file batch.cmd with SST commands, you can run it by invoking SST in the following way:

C$>$sst batch

Note that SST assumes an extension of `.cmd' for command files, unless some other extension is specified. You can then watch your commands and SST output roll quickly down your screen (probably too quickly to read). You can save the output for later viewing by redirecting it to a file, say batch.out:

C$>$sst batch $>$batch.out

All this is a little awkward and greatly cuts down on helpful interaction with the program. There is a better way.

The first thing to realize is that editing batch files and running SST need not be distinct processes. If you are using WordStar, for example, and WordStar can be accessed from your current directory, give the command:

sys ws

and, presto, you are in WordStar while everything in SST remains undisturbed. When you exit WordStar, the SST prompt will reappear and you can continue your SST session. The SYS command can be used to execute most programs from DOS. To obtain a listing of your current directory, for example, just give the command:

sys dir

and a directory returns on screen before returning you to SST.

If you created a batch file of SST commands while you were temporarily using your editor, these can now be executed using the RUN command:

run batch

The SST commands in the file batch.cmd will be executed. When SST has finished executing the batch file, the SST prompt will reappear and SST is ready to accept new commands.

During an SST session, you may want to save a record of your work. For this, the SPOOL command is handy:

spool file[sst.out]

The SPOOL command, as issued above, causes a copy of the session to be saved in the file specified in the FILE subop (in this case, sst.out). To turn spooling off, give the command:

spool off

and all SPOOL files are closed. Type the SPOOL command by itself, and SST reminds you which spool files you have open:

No spool files open

The SPOOL command also enables you to create SST batch files without using your word processor. If the subop CMD is added to the SPOOL command, only commands are saved to the specified file. If the subop OUT is added to the SPOOL command, only the output of executed commands is saved to the specified file. It is possible to have two SPOOL files open at once: one for commands, the other for output:

spool cmd file[file1.cmd]
spool out file[file2.out]

The file file1.cmd would get your commands while the file file2.out would get the output produced by SST. This is useful because the file generated by SPOOL CMD is executable by SST. You can rerun the session by, first, closing the CMD file:

spool cmd off

You may want to close the OUT file too. The command:

spool off

would close both files, while the command:

spool out off

would only close the OUT file. Next, give the command:

run file1

and SST runs the file file1.cmd, giving you a rerun of the session! Of course, you may want to make some minor modifications to the CMD file, which can be done using your word processor in conjunction with the SYS command. Thus, SST can provide a complete, integrated environment for all your statistical work.

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