Room and Location
All seminars will be held in 608-7 Evans Hall unless otherwise noted.
Participants should check in upon arrival to receive their name tags and
conference materials. Conference registration will take place in
639 Evans Hall (sixth floor, north corridor).
Participants may use this room as an informal meeting area.
It will be staffed during the day. Extra copies of seminar papers
and other information will be available in this room.
Computer Facilities
Room 616 Evans Hall (west corridor) is the
Econometrics Laboratory's
public workstation room. Access is controlled by a combination lock;
the combination will be available from the conference clerk. Participants
who wish to check e-mail can obtain account and password information
from the conference clerk.
Lounge Room 611 Evans Hall (west corridor) is the main lounge for the Department
of Economics, and everyone is welcome to relax and enjoy the view of San
Francisco Bay from this room.