Alumni Mailing Lists
We are currently offering two mailing lists specifically for Alumni use. The Econ Alumni Announce list is a distribution list for the department to circulate information and details of events. The Econ Alumni Discuss list is a general discussion list for economics matters and department events.
Seminars run by the department as part of its normal teaching function are open to the public. They are run during the Fall and Spring Semesters, and details are announced on the department seminars page and the associated optional e-mailing list.
Charter for Econ Alumni Announce List
To subscribe to the Econ Alumni Announce list, send mail to
with the message body containing just the line:
subscribe econalumniannounce
(You may wish to cut and paste that text into your email client)
You may also try our direct mail link of
to subscribe. The success of this method depends on your computer configuration. You must do it from a machine and account which is configured with your email address.
You will receive a confirmation request with instructions on how to complete your subscription. We use this method to reduce the likelihood of spam and to avoid people being registered without consent.
- Distribution of non-Economics Alumni Announcements
This list is for the dissemination of Economics Alumni Announcements only. The posting staff will not forward non-Economics Announcements to this list. It is expected that people will subscribe to other services if they are interested. - Posting to the List
General posting to this list is not possible, as this is for distribution only. The list manager will not approve bounced messages from the general subscriber list. Replies may be sent to the originator of a message. - Repeated delivery failures and other bounced email
If mail is repeatedly (typically four or more messages in sequence) bounced from an account for any reason, the list manager may unsubscribe the account.
Charter for Econ Alumni Discuss List
This list is intended for discussion amongst list members. All members will see all messages sent to the list. The amount of traffic will depend on the popularity of the list and any discussions that arise. Please be aware that discussion lists may generate a lot of e-mail.
To subscribe to the Econ Alumni Discuss list, send mail to
with the message body containing just the line:
subscribe econalumnidiscuss
(You may wish to cut and paste that text into your email client)
You may also try our direct mail link of
to subscribe. The success of this method depends on your
computer configuration. You must do it from a machine and account which is
configured with your email address.
You will receive a confirmation request with instructions on how to complete your subscription. We use this message to reduce the likelihood of spam and to avoid people being registered without consent.
- Economics Alumni Discussion
This list is for the discussion of Economics Alumni topics only. Commercial advertising or soliciting for business are not permitted. The list administrators may close threads and remove repeat offenders from the list. As this list is provided by the University of California it is subject to the University Electronic Communications Policies. - Posting to the List
Only members of the list can post messages to it. General posting to this list is permitted and encouraged. Replies will be sent to the list by default, so please watch your headers if you intend a private reply. The list address is . - Repeated delivery failures and other bounced email
If mail is repeatedly (typically four or more messages in sequence) bounced from an account for any reason, the list manager may unsubscribe the account.