The number of students in undergraduate courses in economics is generally limited by classroom size. However, most undergraduate courses are severely impacted and demand often exceeds the number of seats. At the beginning of the semester, there are students who wish to enroll but are excluded, mostly because they are on the waitlist or are otherwise waiting for a seat. These students will attend during the first few weeks of the course in hope of eventually getting into the course. Students routinely register for more courses than they plan to take, and drop the unwanted ones by the end of the third week. Your classroom will inevitably be crowded during this time, but this will not be the case once we are a few weeks into the semester.
Unless otherwise requested, Tele-BEARS will create a wait list when your course-or any particular seat reservation category -is full. Waitlists manage themselves. The University enrollment system automatically accommodates waitlisted students as space becomes available. If a student is on the waitlist, they simply will need to wait. If a student mentions any extenuating circumstances, refer them to the 'instructor approval application' process (see below). There is nothing more you need to do.
[an error occurred while processing the directive] [an error occurred while processing the directive] [an error occurred while processing the directive]Most classes have a few seats set aside for what is called 'instructor approval'. In the Econ Dept, these seats are managed by the Head GSI (headgsi@econ) by means of an application process and set of priorities (majors, graduating seniors, etc). Please direct any students interested in applying for an instructor approved seat to room 508-2, Evans Hall the first 2 weeks of classes. The Head GSI accepts paper applications for the instructor approved seats starting the first day of classes and up to the end of the second week of classes. If there happens to be a student you specifically want enrolled into the course, please let the Head GSI know.
Students will be dropped automatically from impacted courses (1, 100AB, 136, 140…) if they fail to attend their section during the first week. This process is entirely handled by the GSIs and staff. Otherwise, it is up to the student to drop themselves from a course.
[an error occurred while processing the directive] [an error occurred while processing the directive] [an error occurred while processing the directive]You can drop students who have not attended class within the first two weeks, or who do not meet the prerequisites for the course, by contacting the Head GSI (headgsi@econ). Students cannot be dropped for any other reason.
Undergraduate student may enroll in graduate level courses, but only with the instructor's approval. If you feel an undergraduate student is qualified to enroll in your course, please send an email to Phil ( ) with the student's name and SID. He will provide them with the necessary codes to enroll. If the course is impacted, undergraduate students must wait until at least the end of the 3rd week of class to ensure all graduate students have been given an opportunity to enroll first
[an error occurred while processing the directive] [an error occurred while processing the directive] [an error occurred while processing the directive]Undergraduates may drop or add most classes up until Friday of the fifth week of the semester. Changes to students' schedules after these deadlines are extremely rare and require the student to petition the Dean of the College of Letters and Science (see below).
Graduate students may add or drop until the last day of instruction.
After the fifth week of the semester, any changes to an undergraduate student's schedule are extremely rare and require the student to petition the Dean of L&S. To do so, students will ask you to sign a Request for Exceptional Change to Class Schedule. They may also ask you to provide a letter on their behalf. In the case of a late-add, this process is more or less routine and at your discretion. However, in terms of a late-drop, this should only be done in the rarest of circumstances. The principle of the late-drop policy is that something unforeseen took place that clearly (based on attendance and academic records) affected the student's performance adversely and warrants an exception to the rule. Examples of this are a death in the family or severe illness. The late drop option is not for students who simply overextended themselves and ended up doing poorly as a result and now want to drop.
[an error occurred while processing the directive] [an error occurred while processing the directive] [an error occurred while processing the directive]The Concurrent Enrollment program allows individuals to enroll for credit in regular campus courses through UC Berkeley Extension without formally applying and being admitted to the University. Individuals must meet course prerequisites and can be admitted only if space is available after all regular students have been admitted. The enrollment of concurrent students is at the discretion of the instructor and Department, and admission is subject to any conditions the instructor or Department may prescribe.
Enrollment procedures for the Economics Department follow a 3-step process. Step 1: Student completes the online application with the Concurrent Enrollment program. Step 2: Application is sent via email to the instructor for approval. If the student meets course prerequisites, instructor may approve at their discretion. Step 3: Application with instructor approval is sent via email to Department Scheduler. Approval is granted by the scheduler only if space is available after all Cal students have been admitted. This can and often does require waiting until the end of the 4th or 5th week of the semester.
[an error occurred while processing the directive] [an error occurred while processing the directive] [an error occurred while processing the directive]