From all accounts, getting into research is one of the more rewarding experiences students can have in college. Research can open doors - academic or career - that you hadn't imagined before. Delve into a topic and seek answers to questions of great interest to you. Establish an easy camaraderie with one of the faculty. Here's how...
Engage in Faculty-led Research
URAP. Apprentice with a faculty member in the Undergraduate Research Apprentice Program (URAP). The URAP program provides opportunities for you to work with faculty on some cutting-edge research. Working closely with faculty, you can cultivate professional relationships, enhance your research skills, and deepen your knowledge and skills in areas of special interest. Applications are online. For a complete listing and description of research projects, check out the URAP website or stop by 301 Campbell. Deadline: January 2009 (tba)
Identify Sources of Funding
Various units on campus offer or administer grants, scholarships, and awards for purposes ranging from: introductory and senior thesis research, study abroad and research related travel, community and university service projects, and merit based awards acknowledging outstanding scholarship. For more information about these funding opportunities, check out the listings below.
The Nelson W. Polsby Grant for Public Affairs Research
Haas Scholars Program
McNair Scholars Program
SURF: Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships (L&S)
Publish your Research
The Berkeley Undergraduate Journal is dedicated to publishing the academic work of undergraduates from the Humanities, Social Sciences, and related fields at the University of California, Berkeley. Essays are selected on the basis of academic content, general interest, and clarity of writing. Papers should be 15-60 pages long, on topics that would be of interest to the generally well-educated reader. For submission instructions, applications to the all-undergraduate Editorial Board, or further information, call (510) 643-5374 or email
Issues in Political Economy is edited and refereed by undergraduates and publishes essays by undergraduates. This journal is published by Elon University and the University of Mary Washington.
Undergraduate Economic Review is edited by undergraduates and publishes essays authored by undergraduates. It is based at Illinois Wesleyan University.
The Michigan Journal of Economics, founded in 1979, is the oldest undergraduate economics journal in the country. The MJE provides an opportunity for outstanding undergraduates interested in economics to have their papers published. Furthermore, it provides undergraduates with models of how to write economics papers. It encourages students to become interested in economics by providing examples of what is studied within the discipline.
Summer Opportuntities for Undergraduates
American Economic Association Summer Program and Minority Scholarship Program
Starting in the summer of 2008, UC Santa Barbara is hosting the American Economic Association’s Summer Training and Minority Scholarship Program. The AEA Summer Training Program, which began in 1974, seeks to prepare talented undergraduates for doctoral programs in Economics and related disciplines, by offering a unique opportunity for students to gain technical skills in Economics, and conduct research with prominent faculty. All US citizens and permanent residents are eligible to apply for scholarship assistance; however, preference is given to members of underrepresented minority groups historically disadvantaged in the US context, and who have demonstrated financial need. The purpose of the Minority Scholarship is to increase the number of African-Americans, Hispanics, and Native Americans with doctorates in Economics.
For additional research opportunities, check out this summary of campus-wide research programs or visit the Office of Undergraduate Research.
Last updated 11/12/08