All five classes (or their equivalent) must be completed prior to acceptance to the major and all must be taken for a letter grade. Students may apply while in progress of completing any remaining prerequisites. Transfer students must apply during their first semester at Berkeley. Admission decisions will not be made until any prerequisite courses in progress are finished and grades are available.
Introduction to Economics (one course or equivalent required) Economics 1 or 2 (at Berkeley these courses include both micro and macro economics in one course)
Math/Statistics (A-B series and Stat required)
Math 1A or 16A (or equivalent)
Math 1B or 16B (or equivalent)
Statistics 20, 21, 25 or an upper division statistics course (Stats 131A, 134, or IEOR 172 are acceptable)
At least one math or stat prerequisite course must be taken at UC Berkeley.
Intermediate Economic Theory (one course required to apply to the major; both are required to graduate):
Economics 100A or 101A
Economics 100B or 101B, or UGBA 101B
UGBA 101A cannot be used as a prerequisite for the Econ major - no exceptions
The prerequisite intermediate theory course must be taken at UC Berkeley.
The following Advanced Placement Examinations are accepted by the Economics Department as fulfilling course credit:
The following GCE Advanced Level Examinations are accepted by the Economics Department as fulfilling course credit:
The following International Baccalaureate Higher Level Examinations are accepted by the Economics Department as fulfilling course credit: