November 23-24, 2019
The conference will be held this year at the University of California, Berkeley at the Haas School of Business in N100 (in Chou Hall) starting the morning of Saturday, November 23 and ending mid-day on Sunday, November 24, 2019.
Selection Finalized:
Please register to attend.
Please note: Chou Hall is a Zero Waste building - Disposable water bottles are not allowed.
IO Theory Conference 2019
Eighteenth Annual
Berkeley/Columbia/Duke/MIT/Northwestern IO Theory Conference
Saturday & Sunday, November 23-24, 2019
UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA
IO Theory Conference 2019
Berkeley/Columbia/Duke/MIT/Northwestern IO Theory Conference
Saturday & Sunday, November 23-24, 2019
UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA
The Departments of Economics and Business Schools at Columbia, Duke, and MIT, the Gilbert Center at Berkeley, and Center for the Study of Industrial Organization (CSIO) at Northwestern are delighted to announce the eighteenth in a series of annual jointly-sponsored conferences focusing primarily on theoretical work in industrial organization. The conference is intended to serve as a forum for presentation and discussion of current research on theoretical industrial organization, with a special emphasis on work by younger scholars.
The conference will be held this year at UC Berkeley, starting the morning of Saturday, November 23 and ending midday on Sunday, November 24, 2019.
The program committee members are John Asker, Simon Board, Yongmin Chen, Ken Hendricks, Leslie Marx, and Steve Tadelis.
Please register to attend.
Questions: Please contact conference administrator Camille Fernandez - camillen@berkeley.edu