Stefano DellaVigna
Daniel E. Koshland, Sr. Distinguished Professor of Economics and Professor of Business Administration
- Co-Director, Initiative in Behavioral Economics and Finance
Co-Editor, American Economic Review
- Co-Editor, Handbook of Behavioral Economics (with Doug Bernheim and David Laibson)
- Co-PI, Social Science Prediction Platform
Working Papers
- "Understanding Expert Choices Using Decision Time", with David Card, Chenxi Jiang and Dmitry Taubinsky, April 2024
- "Policy Diffusion and Polarization across U.S. States", (with Woojin Kim), Revise and Resubmit, Review of Economic Studies, November 2024.
- "Bottlenecks for Evidence Adoption", (with Woojin Kim and Elizabeth Linos), Journal of Political Economy, August 2024, Vol. 132, 2748-2789.
"Gender Gaps at the Academies" (with David Card, Patricia Funk and Nagore Iriberri),
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2023, Vol. 120..
Online Appendix -
"Evidence on
Job Search Models from a Survey of Unemployed Workers in
with Joerg Heining, Johannes F. Schmieder and
Simon Trenkle, Quarterly Journal of Economics,
May 2022, Vol. 137, 1181-1232.
Online Appendix -
Social Preferences and Gift Exchange at Work",
with John List, Ulrike Malmendier and Gautam Rao, American Economic Review,
March 2022, Vol, 112, 1038-74.
Online Appendix -
"Stability of
Experimental Results: Forecasts and Evidence"
(with Devin Pope), AEJ: Microeconomics, forthcoming.
Online Appendix - "Gender Differences in Peer Recognition by Economists", (with David Card, Patricia Funk and Nagore Iriberri), Econometrica, forthcoming.
- "RCTs to Scale: Comprehensive Evidence from Two Nudge Units", (with Elizabeth Linos), Econometrica, January 2022, Vol. 90, 81-116.
- "Forecasting the Results of Experiments: Piloting an Elicitation Strategy", (with Nicholas Otis and Eva Vivalt), AEA Papers and Proceedings, May 2020, Vol. 110, 75-79.
- "What do Editors Maximize? Evidence from Four Economics Journals" (with David Card), Review of Economics and Statistics, March 2020, Vol. 102, 195-217.
"Are Referees
and Editors in Economics Gender Neutral?"
(with David Card, Patricia Funk,
Nagore Irriberri), Quarterly Journal of Economics,
February 2020, Vol. 135, 269-327..
Online Appendix -
"Uniform Pricing
in US Retail Chains"
(with Matthew Gentzkow), Quarterly Journal of Economics,
November 2019, Vol. 134, 2011–2084
Online Appendix - "Predict Science to Improve Science" (with Devin Pope and Eva Vivalt), Science, October 25 2019, Vol. 366, 428-429.
"Predicting Experimental
Results: Who Knows What?"
(with Devin Pope),
Journal of Political Economy, December 2018, Vol. 126, 2410-2456.
Online Appendix - "Structural Behavioral Economics", Handbook of Behavioral Economics, Volume 1 (eds. Doug Bernheim, Stefano DellaVigna, and David Laibson), Elsevier, October 2018.
"What Motivates
Effort? Evidence and Expert Forecasts"
(with Devin Pope), Review of Economic Studies, April 2018, Vol. 85, 1029–1069.
Online Appendix -
Job Search: Evidence from Hungary
(with Attila Lindner, Balazs Reizer and Johannes F. Schmieder),
Quarterly Journal of Economics, November 2017, Vol. 132, 1969–2018.
Online Appendix - Does Conflict of Interest Lead to Biased Coverage? Evidence from Movie Reviews (with Johannes Hermle), Review of Economic Studies, October 2017, Vol. 84, 1510–1550.
- Voting to Tell Others, with John List, Ulrike Malmendier and Gautam Rao, Review of Economic Studies, January 2017, Vol. 84, 143-181.
- Market-based Lobbying: Evidence from Advertising Spending in Italy, with Ruben Durante, Brian Knight and Eliana La Ferrara, AEJ:Applied Economics, January 2016, Vol. 8, 224-256.
- Economic and Social Impacts of the Media, with Eliana La Ferrara, Handbook of the Economics of the Media, Vol. 1, Elsevier, January 2016.
- Page Limits on Economics Articles: Evidence from Two Journals, with David Card, Journal of Economic Perspectives, Summer 2014, Vol. 28, pp. 149-168.
media and nationalism: Evidence from Serbian radio
in Croatia, with Ruben
Enikolopov, Vera Mironova, Maria Petrova and Ekaterina
Zhuravskaya, AEJ: Applied Economics, July 2014, Vol. 6, pp. 103-132.
Online Appendix -
The Importance of
Being Marginal: Gender Differences in Generosity, with John A. List,
Ulrike Malmendier, and Gautam Rao, American Economic
Review Papers and Proceedings, May 2013.
Online Appendix -
Nine Facts about
Top Journals in Economics, with David Card, December, Journal
of Economic Literature, March 2013
Online Appendix
Update to "Nine Facts about Top Journals in Economics" (4/2018) -
Testing for
Altruism and Social Pressure in Charitable Giving,
with John A. List and Ulrike Malmendier,
Quarterly Journal of Economics, February 2012,
Vol. 127, pp. 1-56
Online Appendix
DATA - The Role of Theory in Field Experiments, with David Card and Ulrike Malmendier, Journal of Economic Perspectives, Summer 2011, Vol. 25, Number 3, pp. 39-62. [DATA]
Capital Budgeting vs. Market
Timing: An
Evaluation Using Demographics, with Joshua Pollet, Journal
of Finance, February 2013, Vol. 68.
Online Appendix - Persuasion: Empirical Evidence, with Matthew Gentzkow, Annual Review of Economics, 2010, Vol.2
- Detecting Illegal Arms Trade, with Eliana La Ferrara, AEJ: Economic Policy, November 2010, Vol. 2, pp. 26-57. [DATA]
- The Effect of Fast Food Restaurants on Obesity and Weight Gain, with Janet Currie, Enrico Moretti and Vikram Pathania, AEJ: Economic Policy, August 2010, Vol. 2, pp. 32-63.
- Psychology and Economics: Evidence from The Field, Journal of Economic Literature, June 2009, Vol. 47, pp. 315-372. (Older Version, includes Section on Empirical Methods)
- Does Movie Violence
Increase Violent Crime? (with Gordon Dahl), Quarterly Journal of
Economics, May 2009, Vol. 124, pp. 677-734.
Stata Program:
Datasets: fulliblockday.dta [2.1 MB], fulliblock.dta [8.1 MB], fulliblocktri.dta [7.3 MB] - Investor Inattention and Friday Earnings Announcements (with Joshua Pollet), Journal of Finance, April 2009, Vol. 64, pp. 709-749. forthcoming, (formerly "Strategic Release of Information on Friday: Evidence from Earnings Announcements"). [DATA on accuracy of earnings announcement dates]
- Demographics and Industry Returns, with Joshua Pollet, American Economic Review, December 2007, Vol 97, pp. 1167-1702. (formerly "Attention, Demographics, and the Stock Market").
- The Fox News Effect: Media Bias and Voting, with Ethan Kaplan, Quarterly Journal of Economics, August 2007, Vol. 122, pp. 1187-1234. [DATA]
- The Political Impact of Media Bias, with Ethan Kaplan, in Fact Finder, Fact Filter: How media reporting affects public policy, Roumeen Islam, Ed. World Bank Publications, forthcoming.
- Paying Not To go To The Gym with Ulrike Malmendier, American Economic Review, June 2006, Vol. 96, pp. 694-719. [DATA] (formerly Overestimating Self-Control: Evidence from the Health Club Industry" and "Self-Control in the Market: Evidence from the Health Club Industry" (older version, includes model)).
- Contract Design and Self-Control: Theory and Evidence, with Ulrike Malmendier, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 119, May 2004, pp.353-402.
- Job Search and Impatience, with M. Daniele Paserman, Journal of Labor Economics, July 2005, Vol. 23, pp. 527-588.
- Learning to Make Risk Neutral Choices in a Symmetric World, with Marco LiCalzi, Mathematical Social Sciences, 41(1), January 2001, pp. 19-17.
Older Papers
- Economics 219B, Class in Psychology and Economics, Spring 2020
- Economics 219B, Class in Psychology and Economics, Spring 2019
- Economics 219B, Applications of Psychology and Economics, Spring 2018
- Economics 101A, Microeconomic Theory, Spring 2017
- Economics 219B, Applications of Psychology and Economics, Spring 2017
- Economics 101A, Microeconomic Theory, Spring 2015
- Economics 219B, Applications of Psychology and Economics, Spring 2015