University of California, Berkeley
Department of Economics



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-        Ph.D., Economics, New York University, 2003.

-        M.A., Economics, New York University, 2000.

-        B.A., Economics, Tel Aviv University, 1998.



-        Benjamin N. Ward Professor of Economics, UC Berkeley, Department of Economics, 2014-present.



-        Professor, UC Berkeley, Department of Economics, 2010-2014.

-        Director, UC Berkeley, Experimental Social Science Laboratory (Xlab), 2008-2014.

-        Associate Professor (with tenure), UC Berkeley, Department of Economics, 2008-2010.

-        Assistant Professor, UC Berkeley, Department of Economics, 2003- 2008.



-        Professor II, NHH Norwegian School of Economics, Department of Economics, 2012-2020.

-        Professor, University of Cambridge, Faculty of Economics, Jun-Jul 2014.

-        Professor, Stanford University, Dept. of Economics, Jan-Mar 2014.

-        Professor, Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya, School of Economics, Oct 2011-Jul 2012.

-        Fellow, University of Oxford, Nuffield College, Jun 2009.

-        Professor, European University Institute, Department of Economics, May-Jun 2008.

-        Member, School of Social Science, Institute for Advanced Studies, Sep 2005-Aug 2006.



-        Department Chair, UC Berkeley, Department of Economics, 2014-2017 and 2021-2022.

-        Development Chair, UC Berkeley, Department of Economics, 2017-2022.

-        Graduate Chair, UC Berkeley, Department of Economics, 2012-2014.

-        Director, UC Berkeley, Experimental Social Science Laboratory (Xlab), 2008-2014.



-        Editor, Review of Economics and Statistics, 2016-2021.

-        Advisory Editor, Games and Economic Behavior, 2014-2021.

-        Guest Editor, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2013-2014.

-        Board of Editors, American Economic Review, 2011-2014.

-        Co-Editor, B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics, 2010-2012.

-        Associate Editor, Quantitative Economics, 2009-2018.

-        Associate Editor, Management Science, 2009-2011.



Working Papers

-        Scaling Up: Individual-Level Transfer Performance of Models, 2024 (with Keaton Ellis, UC Berkeley, and Erkut Ozbay, University of Maryland).

-        Predicting and Understanding Individual-Level Choice Under Uncertainty, 2024 (with Keaton Ellis, UC Berkeley, and Erkut Ozbay, University of Maryland).

-        Predicting and Understanding Individual-Level Choice Under Risk, 2024 (with Keaton Ellis, UC Berkeley, and Erkut Ozbay, University of Maryland)

-        Linking Social and Personal Preferences: Theory and Experiment, 2024 (with Bill Zame, UCLA, Bertil Tungodden, NHH, Erik Sørensen, NHH, and Alexander Cappelen, NHH). Forthcoming Journal of Political Economy.


Published and Forthcoming Papers

-        Ever Since Allais, 2025 (with Aluma Dembo, Reichman University, Matthew Polisson, University of Leicester, and John K.-H. Quah, National University of Singapore. Revise and resubmit Journal of Political Economy.

-        Physician Altruism and Spending, Hospital Admissions, and Emergency Department Visits (with Jing Li, University of Washington, Larry Casalino, Cornell, Ray Fisman, Boston University, and Daniel Markovits, Yale Law School). JAMA Health Forum, 2024;5(10).

-        The Development Gap in Economic Rationality of Future Elites (with Alexander Cappelen, NHH, Erik Sørensen, NHH, and Bertil Tungodden, NHH). Games and Economic Behavior, November 2023, 142, pp. 866-78.

-        The Distributional Preferences of Americans, 2013-2016, (with Ray Fisman, Boston University, Pamela Jakiela, Williams College, and Silvia Vannutelli, Northwestern University). Experimental Economics, September 2023, 26, pp. 727–48.

-        The Response of Consumer Spending to Changes in Gasoline Prices (with Michael Gelman, Claremont McKenna, Yuriy Gorodnichenko, UC Berkeley, Dmitri Koustas, University of Chicago, Matthew Shapiro, University of Michigan, Dan Silverman, Arizona State University, and Steven Tadelis, UC Berkeley). American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, April 2023, 15(2), pp. 129-60.

-        Rational Illiquidity and Consumption: Theory and Evidence from Income Tax Withholding and Refunds (with Michael Gelman, Claremont McKenna, Matthew Shapiro, University of Michigan, and Dan Silverman, Arizona State University). American Economic Review, September 2022, 112(9), pp. 2959-91.

-        Experimental Evidence of Physician Social Preference (with Jing Li, Cornell, Larry Casalino, Cornell, Ray Fisman, Boston University, and Daniel Markovits, Yale Law School). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, July 2022, 119(28), pp. 1-11.

-        How Individuals Smooth Spending: Evidence from the 2013 Government Shutdown Using Account Data (with Michael Gelman, University of Michigan, Matthew Shapiro, University of Michigan, Dan Silverman, Arizona State University, and Steven Tadelis, UC Berkeley). Journal of Public Economics, September 2020, 189, 103917.

-        Liquidity Risk in Sequential Trading Networks (with Maciej Kotowski, Harvard University, and Matthew Leister, Monash University). Games and Economic Behavior, May 2018, 109, pp.565-581.

-        Social Preferences of Future Physicians (with Jing Li, Cornell, and William Dow, UC Berkeley). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, November 2017, 114(48), pp. 10291-10300.

-        Distributional Preferences and Political Behavior (with Ray Fisman, Columbia B-School, and Pam Jakiela, University of Maryland). Journal of Public Economics, November 2017, 155, pp. 1-10.

-        The Distributional Preferences of an Elite (with Ray Fisman, Boston University, Pam Jakiela, University of Maryland, and Daniel Markovits, Yale Law School). Science, September 2015, 349(6254), pp. 1300.

-        How Did the Great Recession Impact Social Preferences? (with Ray Fisman, Columbia B-School, and Pam Jakiela, University of Maryland). Journal of Public Economics, August 2015, 128, pp. 84–95.

-        Estimating Ambiguity Aversion in a Portfolio Choice Experiment (with David Ahn, Berkeley, Syngjoo Choi, UCL, and Douglas Gale, NYU). Quantitative Economics, July 2014, 5(2), pp. 195–223.

-        Harnessing Naturally Occurring Data to Measure the Response of Spending to Income (with Michael Gelman, University of Michigan, Matthew Shapiro, University of Michigan, Dan Silverman, Arizona State University, and Steven Tadelis, UC Berkeley). Science, July 2014, 345(6193) pp. 212-215.

-        Who is (More) Rational? (with Syngjoo Choi, UCL, Wieland Müller, Tilburg University, and Dan Silverman, Arizona State University). American Economic Review, June 2014, 104(6), pp. 1518–1550.

-        An Old Measurement of Decision-making Quality Sheds New Light on Paternalism (with Dan Silverman, Arizona State University). Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, February 2013, 169(1), pp. 29-44.

-        Social Learning in Networks: A Quantal Response Equilibrium Analysis of Experimental Data (with Syngjoo Choi, UCL, and Douglas Gale, NYU). Review of Economic Design, September 2012, 16(2-3), pp. 93-118.

-        Network Architecture and Mutual Monitoring in Public Goods Experiments (with Jeffrey Carpenter, Middlebury College, and Andrew Schotter, NYU). Review of Economic Design, September 2012, 16(2-3), pp. 175-191.

-        Network Architecture, Salience and Coordination (with Syngjoo Choi, UCL, Douglas Gale, NYU, and Thomas Palfrey, Caltech). Games and Economic Behavior, September 2011, 73(1), pp. 76-90.

-        An Experimental Test of Advice and Social Learning (with Boğaçhan Çelen, Columbia B-School, and Andrew Schotter, NYU). Management Science, October 2010, 56(10), pp. 1678-1701.

-        Trading in Networks: A Normal Form Game Experiment (with Douglas Gale, NYU). American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, August 2009, 1(2), pp. 114-132.

-        Sequential Equilibrium in Monotone Games: Theory-Based Analysis of Experimental Data (with Syngjoo Choi, UCL, and Douglas Gale, NYU). Journal of Economic Theory, December 2008, 143(1), pp. 302–330.

-        Consistency and Heterogeneity of Individual Behavior under Uncertainty (with Syngjoo Choi, UCL, Ray Fisman, Columbia B-School, and Douglas Gale, NYU). American Economic Review, December 2007, 97(5), pp. 1921-1938.

-        Individual Preferences for Giving (with Ray Fisman, Columbia B-School, and Daniel Markovits, Yale Law School). American Economic Review, December 2007, 97(5), pp. 1858-1876.

-        Revealing Preferences Graphically: An Old Method Gets a New Tool Kit (with Syngjoo Choi, UCL, Ray Fisman, Columbia B-School, and Douglas Gale, NYU). American Economic Review, Papers & Proceedings, May 2007, 97(2), pp. 153-158.

-        Financial Networks (with Douglas Gale, NYU). American Economic Review, Papers & Proceedings, May 2007, 97(2), pp. 99-103.

-        An Experimental Test of Observational Learning under Imperfect Information (with Boğaçhan Çelen, Columbia B-School). Economic Theory, October 2005, 26(3), pp. 677-699.

-        Distinguishing Informational Cascades from Herd Behavior in the Laboratory (with Boğaçhan Çelen, Columbia B-School). American Economic Review, June 2004, 94(3), pp. 484-497.

-        Observational Learning Under Imperfect Information (with Boğaçhan Çelen, Columbia B-School). Games and Economic Behavior, March 2004, 47(1), pp. 72-86.

-        Bayesian Learning in Social Networks (with Douglas Gale, NYU). Games and Economic Behavior, November 2003, 45(2), pp. 329-346.

Book Chapters

-        Douglas Gale’s contribution to social learning, decision under risk and uncertainty, monotone games and networks (with Syngjoo Choi, Seoul National University, Marco Cipriani, Federal Reserve Bank New York, and Antonio Guarino, UCL), Special Issue in Honor of Douglas Gale, Journal of Financial Intermediation, 2025, edited by Joao Santos and Franklin Allen.

-        Networks in the laboratory (with Syngjoo Choi, UCL, and Edoardo Gallo, University of Cambridge).Oxford Handbook on the Economics of Networks, 2016, edited by Yann Bramoullé, Andrea Galeotti and Brian Rogers.

-        Behavioral Aspects of Learning in Social Networks: An Experimental Study (with Syngjoo Choi, UCL, and Douglas Gale, NYU). Advances in Applied Microeconomics, Volume 13, Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 2005, edited by John Morgan.



-        Ben-Porath Annual Lecture, Maurice Falk Institute, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 2017

-        The Earl F. Cheit Award For Excellence In Teaching, UC Berkeley, Haas School of Business, 2012.

-        Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship, 2009.

-        Distinguished Teaching Award, UC Berkeley, Division of Social Sciences, 2006-7.

-        Outstanding Advising Award, UC Berkeley, Department of Economics, Graduate Economics Association, 2006-7.

-        The Dean’s Outstanding Dissertation Award in the Social Sciences, New York University, Graduate School of Arts and Science, 2003.

-        The Richard Crowell Memorial Prize Paper Competition (with Boğaçhan Çelen, Columbia B-School), 2002.

-        The James Arthur Fellowship in social sciences, New York University, Graduate School of Arts and Science, 2002.

-        Outstanding Teaching Award (Golden Dozen) in recognition of excellence in teaching and contributions to undergraduate education, New York University, College of Arts and Science, 2002.

-        The Dean’s Outstanding Teaching Award in Social Sciences, New York University, Graduate School of Arts and Science, 2001.



-        Center on the Economics and Demography of Aging (CEDA). Predicting Elderly Health Behaviors and Outcomes Using Decision-making Quality and Risk Attitudes (with Leandro Carvalho, USC, Jing Li, Cornell, and Dan Silverman, Arizona State University), 2017-18.

-        Alfred P. Sloan. From Pilot to Production: Harnessing Naturally-Occurring Data to Study Financial Change Late in Life (with Dan Silverman, Arizona State University, Matthew Shapiro, University of Michigan, and Steven Tadelis, UC Berkeley), 2014-16.

-        Michigan Retirement Research Center (MRRC). Sources of Lower Financial Decision-making Ability at Older Ages (with Dan Silverman, Arizona State University), 2014-2015.

-        Center for Equitable Growth (CEG). Recovering Social Preferences: A Combined Survey and Field Experiment, 2012-13.

-        Center for Equitable Growth (CEG). Is there a development gap in decision-making quality?, 2012-13.

-        Alfred P. Sloan. To advance measurement of income, spending, assets and debt by creating and analyzing a new database of high-quality daily data on actual transactions and account balances of individuals (with Dan Silverman, Arizona State University, Matthew Shapiro, University of Michigan, and Steven Tadelis, UC Berkeley), 2012-2014.

-        Center for Equitable Growth (CEG). Wealth Differentials and DecisionMaking Quality: A Combined Survey and Field Experiment, 2011-12.

-        The Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society (CITRIS). Creating Mobile Laboratories for Studying Human Behavior (with Raja Sengupta, UC Berkeley, and Joan Walker, UC Berkeley), 2011

-        Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative (MURI). Multi-Layers and Multi-Resolution Networks of Interacting Agents in Adversarial Environments, 2010-15.

-        National Science Foundation. Archetypes and Prototypes of Decisions under Uncertainty (with Douglas Gale, NYU), 2010-14.

-        Center on the Economics and Demography of Aging (CEDA). The Consistency and Heterogeneity of Individual Behavior under Uncertainty: A Combined Survey and Field Experiment (with Dan Silverman, Arizona State University), 2010.

-        Coleman Fund Risk Management Research Center. Recovering Risk Preferences, 2008-9

-        National Science Foundation. Substantive and Procedural Rationality in Decisions under Uncertainty (with Ray Fisman, Columbia B-School, and Douglas Gale, NYU), 2006-7.