Security Issues and Policies

The Econometrics Laboratory is a shared resource, and is subject to strict security procedures to protect the integrity of the system for all its users.

  • Do not give your password to anyone.
  • Do not write your password down where it can be seen.
  • Do not let anyone look over your shoulder when you log in.
  • Always logout properly when you leave a workstation.
  • Pay attention to your directory and file permissions.
  • Change your password frequently.
  • If you suspect someone’s been using your account, report it immediately to

Users should also be aware that electronic files stored on disk in an individual’s account, a shared project account, or a system partition are not personal property, regardless of content, intended use at the time of creation, or purpose. Appropriate use of University of California facilities and infrastructure is defined in policies and guidelines posted on University of California web sites.

As such the Econometrics Laboratory (EML) reserve the right to review, modify, or delete any file or terminate any activity that may interfere with the operations of the EML’s computing facility. The EML will comply with prevailing University of California systemwide and Berkeley campus policies and guidelines governing the security and appropriate use of electronic and network resources. Further, the EMLwill comply with prevailing University of California systemwide and Berkeley campus policies and guidelines governing use of electronic and network resources and an individual’s right to privacy.