F. Echenique published or forthcoming papers
Roughly classified into:
- Social choice and Implementation
- p Hacking
- Revealed Preference Theory
- Matching
- Economics of discrimination
- Monotone Comparative Statics
- Game Theory
- CS/Econ
- Social Networks
- Econometrics
- Other
Publications in chronological order are here. And here is my Caltech CODA page.
bibbase listing with bibtex citations.
Working papers are here.
Social choice and Implementation
- "Price & Choose" (with Matias Núñez)
Forthcoming, AEJ Micro. [PDF]
p Hacking
"Screening p-Hackers: Dissemination Noise as Bait" (with
Kevin He)
PNAS, Volume 121(21), May 2024.
Revealed Preference/Decision Theory
"Approximate expected utility rationalization"
Taisuke Imai and
Kota Saito) [PDF]
(online appendix)
Journal of the European Economic Association, Volume 21(5) pp 1821--1864, Oct 2023 -
"Decreasing impatience" (with
Chris Chambers and
Alan Miller)
American Economic Journal: Microeconomics 15(3) Aug. 2023 pp. 527–51. -
"Twofold Multiprior Preferences and Failures of Contingent
Reasoning" (with
Masaki Miyashita,
Yuta Nakamura,
Pomatto and Jamie Vinson)
[PDF]. arXiv:2012.14557
Journal of Economic Theory, Volume 202, 2022. - "Recovering Preferences from Finite Data"
Chris Chambers and
Lambert); [PDF] [OA]
Econometrica, 89(4) pp1633-1664, July 2021. -
"Testable Implications of Models of Intertemporal Choice:
Exponential Discounting and Its Generalizations" (with Taisuke Imai and Kota Saito)
AEJ Microeconomics, 12(4) pp 114-143, November 2020. [PDF] [slides] -
"Spherical preferences"
Chris Chambers )
Journal of Economic Theory Volume 189, September 2020. [PDF] -
"On the falsifiability and learnability of decision theories"
(with Pathikrit Basu).
Theoretical Economics Volume 15, No 4, pp 1279-1305, November 2020. [PDF] -
"New developments in revealed preference theory: decisions under risk,
uncertainty, and intertemporal choice"
Annual Reviews of Economics, Volume 12(1), August 2020.
DOI:annurev-economics-082019-110800 [PDF] -
"The Pareto comparisons of a group of exponential discounters"
Chris Chambers)
Mathematics of Operations Research, 45(2), pp 622-640, May 2020. -
"General Luce Model"
Kota Saito)
Economic Theory Volume 68, pp. 811--826 November 2019 -
"On multiple discount rates"
Chris Chambers);
Econometrica Volume 86, No. 4 July 2018 pp. 1325-1346. -
"The Perception Adjusted Luce Model" (with
Kota Saito
and Gerelt Tserenjigmid )
Mathematical Social Sciences. Volume 93 (May 2018) pp. 67 - 76. -
"On path independent stochastic choice"
(with David Ahn and
Kota Saito)
Theoretical Economics, Volume 13(1); pages 61--86, 2018. -
"A characterization of combinatorial demand"
Chris Chambers);
Mathematics of Operations Research, Volume 43(1); pages 222-227, 2018. -
"General Revealed Preference Theory"
Chris Chambers and
Eran Shmaya);
[PDF] [slides]
Theoretical Economics, 12 (May 2017), 493-511 -
"Response time and utility" (with
Kota Saito) [PDF]
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Volume 139, July 2017, Pages 49-59. -
"Testing theories of financial decision making"
(formerly titled "Testable Implications of Translation Invariance and Homotheticity:
Variational, Maxmin, Cara and CRRA Preferences")
(with Chris Chambers and
Kota Saito)
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Volume 113, Number 15; April 12, 2016. [PDF] -
"The empirical implications of privacy-aware choice" (with
Rachel Cummings and
Adam Wierman).
Operations Research, [PDF] Volume 64, number 1, pages 67--78, 2016. -
"Savage in the Market" (with
Kota Saito)
Econometrica; Volume 83, No. 4, July, 2015, pages 1467-1495. [PDF] [Online Appendix] [slides] -
"The Axiomatic Structure of Empirical Content"
Chris Chambers and
Eran Shmaya);
American Economic Review, Volume 104, Issue 8, August 2014, pages 2303-19. [PDF] -
"On the consistency of data with bargaining theories"
Chris Chambers);
Theoretical Economics, Volume 9, Number 1 (January 2014), pp 137-162. [PDF] -
"The Revealed Preference Theory of Stable and Extremal Stable Matchings"
SangMok Lee,
Bumin Yenmez, and
Matt Shum)
Econometrica, Volume 81, No. 1 (January 2013), pp 153-171. [PDF] -
"The Money Pump as a Measure of Revealed Preference
SangMok Lee and
Matt Shum)
Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 119, No. 6, December 2011. [PDF] -
"Implications of Pareto Efficiency for Two-Agent (Household) Choice"
Lozan Ivanov)
Journal of Mathematical Economics, Volume 47, Issue 2, March 2011, pp 129-136. [PDF] -
"Testable Implications of Gross Substitutes
in Demand for Two Goods"
Chris Chambers and
Eran Shmaya)
AEJ Microeconomics, Vol. 3, No. 1, February 2011, pp 129-36. [PDF] -
"On Behavioral Complementarity and its Implications"
Chris Chambers and
Eran Shmaya)
Journal of Economic Theory, Volume 145, Issue 6, November 2010, Pages 2332-2355. [PDF] -
"Supermodularity and Preferences"
Chris Chambers),
Journal of Economic Theory,. Volume 144, Issue 3, May 2009, Pages 1004-1014 [PDF]
"What Matchings can be Stable ? The Testable Implications
of Matching Theory"
Mathematics of Operations Research, Volume 33 Issue 3, August 2008. Pages 757-768. [PDF].
"Profit Maximization and Supermodular Technology"
Chris Chambers).
Economic Theory, Volume 40, Number 2, August, 2009, pp 173-183. [PDF] -
"Ordinal Notions of Submodularity"
Chris Chambers).
Journal of Mathematical Economics, Volume 44, Issue 11, December 2008, pages 1243-1245. [PDF]
Matching Theory
- "Stable allocations in discrete exchange economies" (with Sumit Goel and SangMok Lee)
Journal of Economic Theory, forthcoming. - "Balanced equilibrium in pseudo-markets with endowments"
Antonio Miralles and
Jun Zhang);
Games and Economic Behavior Vol 141 pp 428-443. Sept 2023. - "Top of the Batch: Interviews and the Match"
(with Ruy Gonzalez,
Alistair Wilson and
Leeat Yariv)
arXiv:2002.05323 [PDF] [OA]
American Economic Review Insights. Volume 4(2) June 2022. -
"Constrained pseudo-market equilibrium"
Antonio Miralles and
Jun Zhang);
arXiv:1909.05986 [PDF]
American Economic Review, 111(11), pp 3699-3732, November 2021. -
"Fairness and efficiency for probabilistic allocations with
participation constraints"
Antonio Miralles and
Jun Zhang);
Journal of Economic Theory, Volume 195 July 2021. -
``Stability and Median Rationalizability for Aggregate
Matchings'' (with
SangMok Lee,
Bumin Yenmez, and
Matt Shum)
Games 12(2), 2021. -
Clearinghouses for two-sided matching: An experimental study
Alistair Wilson and
Leeat Yariv)
Quantitative Economics Volume 7(2) July 2016- "Ordinal and cardinal solution concepts for two-sided matching" (with Alfred Galichon)
Games and Economic Behavior, Volume 101(1), January 2017, pages 63-77 [PDF]- "How to control controlled school choice" (with Bumin Yenmez)
American Economic Review, Volume 105(8), August 2015, pages 2679-94.
[PDF] [appendix] [slides]. Corrigendum by Battal Dogan.
WP version of the paper, which features endogenous priorities.- "Strategic uncertainty and unraveling in matching markets" (with Juan Pereyra)
Theoretical Economics, Volume 11, Number 1 (January 2016), pages 1-39. [PDF]- "Core Matchings of Markets with Transfers" (with Chris Chambers)
AEJ Microeconomics, Volume 7, Number 1 (February 2015). Pages 144-64. [PDF]- "The Revealed Preference Theory of Stable and Extremal Stable Matchings" (with SangMok Lee, Bumin Yenmez, and Matt Shum)
Econometrica, Volume 81, No. 1 (January 2013), pp 153-171. [PDF]- "Contracts vs. Salaries in Matching"
American Economic Review, Volume 102, Issue 1, February 2012, pages 594-601. [PDF]- "Sequential Entry in Many-to-one Matching Markets" (with Elette Boyle),
Social Choice and Welfare, Volume 33, issue 1, June 2009, pp 87-99. [PDF]
Here is Elette's C++ program for computing the sequential-entry outcomes.- "What Matchings can be Stable ? The Testable Implications of Matching Theory"
Mathematics of Operations Research, Volume 33 Issue 3, August 2008. Pages 757-768. [PDF].
- "A Solution to Matching with Preferences over Colleagues" (with M. Bumin Yenmez).
Games and Economic Behavior Volume 59, number 1, April 2007, pages 46-71. [PDF]
- "Counting Combinatorial Choice Rules"
Games and Economic Behavior Volume 58, Issue 2, February 2007, Pages 231-245. [PDF]- "A Theory of Stability in Many-to-many Matching Markets" (with Jorge Oviedo)
Theoretical Economics. Volume 1, Issue 2, June 2006, Pages 233-273. [PDF]
- "Core Many-to-one Matchings by Fixed Point Methods" (with Jorge Oviedo)
Journal of Economic Theory. Volume 115, Issue 2 , April 2004, Pages 358-376. [PDF]
- "Ordinal and cardinal solution concepts for two-sided matching" (with Alfred Galichon)
Economics of discrimination
Statistical Discrimination and Affirmative Action in the Lab (with
Ahrash Dianat
Leeat Yariv)
Caltech SSWP 1439 [PDF] [Appendix]
Games and Economic Behavior Vol 132, 2022, pp. 41--58. -
A characterization of "Phelpsian" statistical discrimination
(with Chris Chambers)
arXiv:1808.01351 [PDF]
The Economic Journal Vol 131(637), Aug 2020, pp. 2018-2032.
Monotone Comparative Statics
"English Auctions and the Stolper-
Samuelson Theorem"
Juan Dubra and
Alejandro Manelli.)
Journal of Economic Theory, Volume 144, Issue 2, March 2009, Pages 825-849. [PDF]
(The WP version has some simple comparative statics linking English Auctions and Stolper-Samuelson.) -
"A Weak Correspondence Principle for Models with Complementarities"
Journal of Mathematical Economics Volume 40, Issues 1-2, pages 145--152, February 2004.[PDF]
"Strong Comparative Statics of Equilibria"
Tarun Sabarwal)
Games and Economic Behavior. Volume 42, Issue 2, February 2003, Pages 307-314 [PDF] -
"Comparative Statics by Adaptive Dynamics and The Correspondence Principle,"
Econometrica, v70(2), March 2002 [PDF].
The working paper version (Berkeley WP E00-273) contains more results and details. -
"The Correspondence Principle."
An entry for the New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics (second ed.). [PS] [PDF]
Game Theory
"Finding All Equilibria in Games with Strategic Complements"
Journal of Economic Theory Volume 135, Issue 1, July 2007, Pages 514-532. [PDF]
Here is more information about the simulations in "Finding All Equilibria." -
"Mixed Equilibria in Games of Strategic Complements are Unstable"
Aaron Edlin).
Journal of Economic Theory. Volume 118, Issue 1, September 2004, Pages 61-79. [PDF] -
"Extensive-Form Games and Strategic Complementarities"
Games and Economic Behavior. Volume 46, Issue 2, Pages 348-364 (February 2004). [PDF] -
"A Characterization of Strategic Complementarities"
Games and Economic Behavior. Volume 46, Issue 2, Pages 325-347 (February 2004). [PDF] -
"Mixed Equilibria in Games of Strategic Complementarities"
Economic Theory v22(1) 2003, pp 33-44. -
"The Equilibrium Set of a Two Player Game with Complementarities is a
Economic Theory v22(4) 2003, pp 903-905.
- "Binary mechanisms under privacy-preserving noise"
(with Farzad Pourbabaee),
Ext. abst. in WINE 2023.
Forthcoming, Journal of Economic Theory. - "Stable matching as transportation"
(with Joe Root
and Fedor Sandomirskiy).
Proceedings EC'24 (ext. abst.) -
"Screening p-Hackers: Dissemination Noise as Bait" (with
Kevin He)
Proceedings EC'22 (ext. abst.) -
"Closure operators: Complexity and applications to classification and
decision-making" (with Hamed Hamze Bajgiran)
Proceedings EC'22 -
"The Edgeworth Conjecture with Small Coalitions and Approximate Equilibria in Large Economies" (with
Sid Barman)
arXiv:1905.05165 [PDF]
Extended abstract in EC'20
Mathematics of Operations Research, 48(1) pp. 313-331 February 2023. - "On the falsifiability and learnability of decision theories"
(with Pathikrit Basu).
Theoretical Economics Volume 15(4), 2020, 1279--1305. -
"Third-Party Data Providers Ruin Simple Mechanisms" (with
Yang Cai, Hu Fu, Katrina Ligett, Adam Wierman, and
Juba Ziani)
arXiv:1802.07407 [PDF]
"Incentive Compatible Active Learning"
(with Siddharth Prasad)
11th Innovations in Theoretical Computer Science Conference (ITCS 2020). - "Learnability and models of decision making under uncertainty" (with Pathikrit Basu). Proceedings of the 2018 ACM Conference on Economics and Computation.
"A characterization of combinatorial demand"
Chris Chambers);
Mathematics of Operations Research, Volume 43(1); pages 222-227, 2018. -
"The empirical implications of privacy-aware choice" (with
Rachel Cummings and
Adam Wierman).
Proceedings EC'14 (ext. abst.)
Operations Research, [PDF] Volume 64, number 1, pages 67--78, 2016. - "On the Existence of Low-Rank Explanations for Mixed Strategy Behavior" (with
Siddharth Barman, Umang Bhaskar, and
Adam Wierman).
arXiv:1311.2655 [PDF] In WINE ( Web and Internet Economics) - 10th International Conference, WINE 2014, Beijing, China, December 14-17, 2014. Proceedings, pages 447-452, 2014. - "The Empirical Implications of Rank in Bimatrix Games" (with Siddharth Barman, Umang Bhaskar, and Adam Wierman). Proceedings of the 14th ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce, 2013.
- "Finding a Walrasian Equilibrium is Easy for a Fixed Number of Agents" (with Adam Weirman) Proceedings of the 13th ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce, 2012.[PDF]
"A Revealed Preference Approach to Computational Complexity in Economics"
(with Daniel Golovin and
Adam Wierman);
Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce, 2011. -
"Complexity and economics: computational constraints may not matter empirically"
(with Daniel Golovin and
Adam Wierman);
ACM SIGecom Exchanges Volume 10 Issue 1, March 2011 Pages 2-5.
Social Networks
"A Measure of Segregation Based on Social Interactions"
Roland Fryer),
Quarterly Journal of Economics Volume 122(2), May 2007, pages 441-485. [PDF]
The calculated segregation indices for major US cities are HERE.
"Is School Segregation Good or Bad?"
Roland Fryer and Alex Kaufman)
American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings. Volume 96, Issue 2, May 2006, Pages 265-269. [PDF]
"Partial identification in two-sided matching models"(with
SangMok Lee, and
Matt Shum)
Advances in Econometrics, 2013 Volume 31, pp.117 - 139. [PDF] - "A test for monotone comparative statics"
Ivana Komunjer),
Advances in Econometrics, 2013 Volume 31, pp.183 - 232. [PDF] -
"Testing Models with Multiple Equilibria by Quantile Methods"
Ivana Komunjer),
Econometrica, Volume 77 Issue 4, July 2009, pp 1281-1298. [PDF]
"Efficiency and Bargaining Power in the Interbank Loan Market" (with
Jason Allen, James Chapman, and Matt Shum)
International Economic Review, Volume 57(2), April 2016, pages 1468-2354. [PDF] -
"When does aggregation reduce risk aversion?"
Chris Chambers)
Games and Economic Behavior Volume 76, Issue 2, November 2012, Pages 582-595. [PDF] -
"An Explanation of Inefficient
Redistribution: Transfers Insure Cohesive groups"
Jon Eguia),
Quarterly Journal of Political Science, Volume 2, Issue 4, November, 2007, pages 287-305. [PDF]
"A Short And Constructive Proof of Tarski's
Fixed-Point Theorem"
International Journal of Game Theory. Volume 33, Issue 2, June 2005, Pages 215-218. [PDF]
"Measurability is not about Information" (with
Juan Dubra)
Mathematical Social Sciences Volume 47, Issue 2, March 2004. Pages 177-185. [PDF] -
"Monotone Preferences over Information"
Juan Dubra)
Topics in Theoretical Economics, vol. 1, number 1, article 1, 2001. - "Are Stabilization Programs Expansionary?" (with
Alvaro Forteza)
Estudios Economicos volume 15 number 1, January-June 2000. [PDF].