F. Echenique
Talk slides
- "Learning preferences"
- "Stable matching and optimal transport"
- "Recovering preferences and utilities"
- "Individual and collective welfare in risk-sharing with many states"
- "Measuring deviations from theories of choice under risk and uncertainty"
- "Rationally inattentive statistical discriminatin: Arrow meets Phelps"
- "Multi-item discrete allocation problems"
- "Recovering preferences and utilities"
- "Closure operators: complexity and applications to classification and decision-making"
- "Efficiency and fairness in random allocation and social choice"
- "Empirical welfare economics" [video]
- "Decreasing Impatience"
- "Screening p-hackers: Dissemination noise as bait"
- "Third-Party Data Providers Ruin Simple Mechanisms" (video presentation by Juba Ziani).
- "Recovering preferences from finite data"
- "Constrained pseudo-market equilibrium"
- "Incentive Compatible Active Learning" Talk by Siddharth Prasad.
- "Edgeworth conjecture and testing for approximate Walrasian equilibrium"
- "Approximate EU"
- "Statistical discrimination and affirmative action"
- "Learnability of models of decisions under uncertainty"
- "Fairness and efficiency for probabilistic allocations with endowments" [video]
- "Preference identification"
- "A characterization of combinatorial demand"
- "Multiple discount factors"
- "Average choice"
"Testable Implications of Models of Intertemporal Choice:
Exponential Discounting and Its Generalizations" - "Savage in the market" [video]
- "How to control controlled school choice"
- "General Revealed Preference Theory"
- "Aggregate Matchings"
- "Aggregate and extremal matchings"
- "A Revealed Preference Approach to Computational Complexity in Economics"
- "On Behavioral Complementarity and its Implications"
- "You Won't Harm Me if You Fool Me"
- "Matching with preferences over colleagues"
- "What matchings can be stable."