Professor of the Graduate School
University of California, Berkeley
Presidential Professor of Health Policy and Economics
University of Southern California
(Last revised in June 2017)
University of California
Department of Economics
508-1 Evans Hall # 3880
Berkeley, CA 94720-3880
Office: 510-643-8428
Fax: 510-642-0638
Messages: 510-642-0619
E-mail: (personal)
Born 29 July 1937, Raleigh, North Carolina. Married to Beverlee Tito Simboli
Children: Nina (1957), Robert (1963), Raymond (1965)
B.S. Physics, with High Distinction, University of Minnesota, 1957
Ph.D. Behavioral Science (Economics), University of Minnesota, 1962
1. Books and Monographs
1.1 ESSAYS ON ECONOMIC BEHAVIOR UNDER UNCERTAINTY, with M. Balch and S. Wu (eds.), North Holland: Amsterdam, 1974.
1.2 URBAN TRAVEL DEMAND: A BEHAVIORAL ANALYSIS, with T. Domencich, North Holland: Amsterdam, 1975. Reprinted by The Blackstone Company: Mount Pleasant, MI, 1996.
1.6 PREFERENCES, UNCERTAINTY, AND OPTIMALITY: ESSAYS IN HONOR OF LEONID HURWICZ, with J. Chipman and M.K. Richter (eds.), Westview Press: Boulder, CO, 1990.
1.7 HANDBOOK OF ECONOMETRICS, VOL. IV, with R. Engle (eds.), North Holland: Amsterdam, 1994. [Abstract]
1.8 STATISTICAL TOOLS, manuscript in preparation
1.9 RATIONALITY AND EQUILIBRIUM, A SYMPOSIUM IN HONOR OF MARCEL K. RICHTER with C.D. Aliprantis, R.L. Matzkin, J.C. Moore and N.C. Yannelis(eds.), Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2006.
2. Production Theory
2.1 " Constant Elasticity of Substitution Production Functions," REVIEW OF ECONOMIC STUDIES, VOL. 30, No. 2, 73-83, 1963. [Full text is only viewable if your site subscribes to JSTOR]
2.2 "A Review of 'Manufacturing Production Functions in the U.S., 1957: An Interindustry and Interstate Comparison of Productivity'," JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN STATISTICAL ASSOCIATION, Vol. 62, No. 317, 295-300, March 1967.
2.3 "Cost, Revenue, and Profit Functions," in M. Fuss and D. McFadden (eds.), PRODUCTION ECONOMICS: A DUAL APPROACH TO THEORY AND A PPLICATIONS, VOL. I, 2-109, North Holland: Amsterdam, 1978.
2.4 "A Survey of Functional Forms in the Economic Analysis of Production," with M. Fuss and Y. Mundlak, in M. Fuss and D. McFadden (eds.), PRODUCTION ECONOMICS: A DUAL APPROACH TO THEORY AND APPLICATIONS, VOL. I, 219-268, North Holland: Amsterdam, 1978.
2.5 "The General Linear Profit Function," in M. Fuss and D. McFadden (eds.), PRODUCTION ECONOMICS: A DUAL APPROACH TO THEORY AND APPLICATIONS, VOL. I, 269-286, North Holland: Amsterdam, 1978.
2.6 "Flexibility Versus Efficiency in Ex Ante Plant Design," with M. Fuss, in M. Fuss and D. McFadden (eds.), PRODUCTION ECONOMICS: A DUAL APPROACH TO THEORY AND APPLICATIONS, VOL. I, 311-364, North Holland: Amsterdam, 1978.
2.7 "Estimation Techniques for the Elasticity of Substitution and Other Production Parameters," in M. Fuss and D. McFadden (eds.), PRODUCTION ECONOMICS: A DUAL APPROACH TO THEORY AND APPLICATIONS, VOL. II, 73-124, North Holland: Amsterdam, 1978.
2.8 "Measurement of the Elasticity of Factor Substitution and Bias of Technical Change," with P. Diamond and M. Rodriguez, in M. Fuss and D. McFadden (eds.), PRODUCTION ECONOMICS: A DUAL APPROACH TO THEORY AND APPLICATIONS, VOL. II, 125-148, North Holland: Amsterdam, 1978.
2.9 "Joint Estimation of Freight Transportation Decisions Under Nonrandom Sampling," with C. Winston and A. Boersch-Supan, in A. Daughety (ed.), ANALYTICAL STUDIES IN TRANSPORT ECONOMICS, 137-157, Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 1985.
3. Transportation
3.1 "The Measurement of Urban Travel Demand," [PDF file, 1.8M] JOURNAL OF PUBLIC ECONOMICS, Vol. 3, No. 4, 303-328, 1974.
3.2 "Aggregate Travel Demand Forecasting from Disaggregated Behavioral Models," [PDF file, 1.3M] with F. Reid, TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH RECORD: TRAVEL BEHAVIOR AND VALUES, No. 534, 24-37, 1975.
3.3 "The Mathematical Theory of Demand Models," [PDF file, 0.7M] in P. Stopher and A. Meyburg (eds.), BEHAVIORAL TRAVEL-DEMAND MODELS, 305-314, D.C. Heath and Co.: Lexington, MA, 1976. [Reprinted here with the kind permission of the editors.]
3.4 " Demand Model Estimation and Validation," with A.P. Talvitie and Associates, URBAN TRAVEL DEMAND FORECASTING PROJECT, FINAL REPORT, VOLUME V, Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Berkeley, June 1977.
3.5 " Demographic Data and Policy Analysis ," [PDF file, 3M] with S. Cosslett, G. Duguay, and W. Jung, URBAN TRAVEL DEMAND FORECASTING PROJECT, FINAL REPORT, VOLUME VIII, Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Berkeley, June 1977.
3.6 "Quantitative Methods for Analyzing Travel Behaviour of Individuals: Some Recent Developments," [PDF file, 1.9M] in D. Hensher and P. Stopher (eds.), BEHAVIOURAL TRAVEL MODELLING, 279-318, Croom Helm London: London, 1978. [Reprinted here with the kind permission of the editors.]
3.7 " An Application of Diagnostic Tests for the Independence from Irrelevant Alternatives Property of the Multinomial Logit Model," with W. Tye and K. Train, TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH RECORD: FORECASTING PASSENGER AND FREIGHT TRAVEL, No. 637, 39-46, Transportation Research Board, 1978.
3.8 "Modelling the Choice of Residential Location," [PDF file, 1.5M] in A. Karlqvist, L. Lundqvist, F. Snickars, and J. Weibull (eds.), SPATIAL INTERACTION THEORY AND PLANNING MODELS, 75-96, North Holland: Amsterdam, 1978. [Permission pending from the editors.] Reprinted in J. Quigley (ed.), THE ECONOMICS OF HOUSING, Vol. I, 531-552, Edward Elgar: London, 1997.
3.9 "The Goods/Leisure Tradeoff and Disaggregate Work Trip Mode Choice Models," [PDF file, 0.4M] with K. Train, TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH, Vol. 12, No. 5, 349-353, February 1978.
3.10 "The Theory and Practice of Disaggregate Demand Forecasting for Various Modes of Urban Transportation," [PDF file, 2.1M] in EMERGING TRANSPORTATION PLANNING METHODS, U.S. Department of Transportation DOT-RSPA-DPB-50-78-2, August 1978. Reprinted in T.H. Oum, et al. (eds.), TRANSPORT ECONOMICS: SELECTED READINGS, 51-80, Seoul Press: Seoul, 1995. [Abstract]
3.11 "Overview and Summary: Urban Travel Demand Forecasting Project," [PDF file,3.9M] with F. Reid, A. Talvitie, M. Johnson, and Associates, THE URBAN TRAVEL DEMAND FORECASTING PROJECT, FINAL REPORT, VOLUME I, Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Berkeley, June 1979.
3.12 "Measuring Willingness-to-Pay for Transportation Improvements" in T. G�rling, T. Laitila, and K. Westin (eds.) THEORETICAL FOUNDATIONS OF TRAVEL CHOICE MODELING, 339-364, Elsevier Science: Amsterdam, 1998. Preliminary working paper version from July 1997 is available in PDF format.
3.13 " Disaggregate Behavioral Travel Demand's RUM Side: A 30-Year Retrospective", THE LEADING EDGE OF TRAVEL BEHAVIOR RESEARCH, David Heshner (ed.) Pergamon Press: Oxford, 2001.
3.14 "The behavioral science of transportation", Transport Policy Volume 14, Issue 4, July 2007, Pages 269-274. [Full text is only viewable if your site subscribes to Science Direct]
4. Econometrics
4.1 "Conditional Logit Analysis of Qualitative Choice Behavior," [PDF file, 3.2M] in P. Zarembka (ed.), FRONTIERS IN ECONOMETRICS, 105-142, Academic Press: New York, 1974.
4.2 "Comments on 'Estimation of a Stochastic Model of Reproduction: An Econometric Approach'," in N. Terleckyj (ed.), HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTION AND CONSUMPTION, 139-145, National Bureau of Economic Research: New York, 1975. [Abstract]
4.3 "The Revealed Preferences of a Government Bureaucracy: Theory,"[PDF File, 801K] THE BELL JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT SCIENCE, Vol. 6, No. 2, 401-416, Autumn 1975.
4.4 " The Revealed Preferences of a Government Bureaucracy: Empirical Evidence," THE BELL JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT SCIENCE, Vol. 7, No. 1, 55-72, Spring 1976. [Full text is only viewable if your site subscribes to JSTOR]
4.5 "A Comment on Discriminant Analysis 'Versus' Logit Analysis," ANNALS OF ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL MEASUREMENT, Vol. 5, No. 4, 511-523, 1976. [Abstract]
4.6 "Quantal Choice Analysis: A Survey," ANNALS OF ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL MEASUREMENT, Vol. 5, No. 4, 363-390, 1976.
4.7 " Econometric Models for Probabilistic Choice Among Products," THE JOURNAL OF BUSINESS, VOL. 53, No. 3, S13-S29, 1980. [Abstract] [Full text is only viewable if your site subscribes to JSTOR]
4.8 "Econometric Models of Probabilistic Choice," in C.F. Manski and D. McFadden (eds.), STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS OF DISCRETE DATA WITH ECONOMETRIC APPLICATIONS, 198-272, MIT Press: Cambridge, MA, 1981.
4.9 "Alternative Estimators and Sample Designs for Discrete Choice Analysis," with C.F. Manski, in C.F. Manski and D. McFadden (eds.), STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS OF DISCRETE DATA WITH ECONOMETRIC APPLICATIONS, 2-50, MIT Press: Cambridge, MA, 1981.
4.10 "Qualitative Response Models," in W. Hildenbrand (ed.), ADVANCES IN ECONOMETRICS: INVITED PAPERS FOR THE FOURTH WORLD CONGRESS OF THE ECONOMETRIC SOCIETY, Econometric Society Monograph, 1-37, Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 1982.
4.11 " Specification Tests for the Multinomial Logit Model," with J. Hausman, ECONOMETRICA, VOL. 52, No. 5, 1219-1240, September 1984. [Abstract] [Full text is only viewable if your site subscribes to JSTOR]
4.12 " Econometric Analysis of Qualitative Response Models," in Z. Griliches and M. Intrilligator (eds.), HANDBOOK OF ECONOMETRICS, VOL. II, 1396-1456, Elsevier: Amsterdam, 1984.[Full text is only viewable if your site subscribes to Elsevier Science]
4.13 "Comment on 'Technical Problems in Social Experimentation: Cost versus Ease of Analysis,' in J.A. Hausman and D.A. Wise (eds.), SOCIAL EXPERIMENTATION, 214-219, National Bureau of Economic Research: Chicago, 1985.
4.14 " The Choice Theory Approach to Market Research," MARKETING SCIENCE,VOL. 5, No. 4, 275-297, Fall 1986.[Abstract] [Full text is only viewable if your site subscribes to JSTOR]
4.15 " The Demand for Local Telephone Service: A Fully Discrete Model of Residential Calling Patterns and Service Choices," with K. Train and M. Ben-Akiva, THE RAND JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS, Vol. 18, No. 1, 109-123, Spring 1987 [Abstract]. [Full text is only viewable if your site subscribes to JSTOR]
4.16 "Regression-Based Specification Tests for the Multinomial Logit Model," JOURNAL OF ECONOMETRICS, Vol. 34, No. 1/2, 63-82, 1987. [Abstract]
4.17 "What do Microeconometricians Really Do?" PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN STATISTICAL ASSOCIATION, 402-405, Business Statistics Section, 1987.
4.18 "Comment on Joel Horowitz and George Neumann, 'Semiparametric Estimation of Employment Duration Models," with A. Han, ECONOMETRIC REVIEWS, VOL. 6, No. 2, 257-270, 1987/1988.
4.19 "Econometric Modeling of Locational Behavior," ANNALS OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH: FACILITY LOCATION ANALYSIS: THEORY AND APPLICATIONS, Vol. 18, No. 1-4, 3-16, 1989.
4.20 " A Method of Simulated Moments for Estimation of Discrete Response Models Without Numerical Integration," ECONOMETRICA, VOL. 57, No. 5, 995-1026, September 1989[Abstract]. [Full text is only viewable if your site subscribes to JSTOR]
4.21"Testing for Stochastic Dominance," in T. Fomby and T.K. Seo (eds.), STUDIES IN THE ECONOMICS OF UNCERTAINTY, 113-134, Springer: New York, 1989.
4.22 "Micro-simulation of Local Residential Telephone Demand Under Alternative Service Options and Rate Structures," with T. Atherton, M. Ben-Akiva, and K. Train, in A. de Fontenay, M. Shugard, and D. Sibley (eds.), TELECOMMUNICATIONS DEMAND MODELLING, 137-163, Elsevier: Amsterdam, 1990. [Abstract]
4.23 "Advances in Computation, Statistical Methods, and Testing of Discrete Choice Models,"MARKETING LETTERS, Vol. 2, No. 3, 215-229, 1991. [Abstract]
4.24 "Efficient Estimation by Multinomial Approximation and Sequential Simulation," with W. Beckert and A. Eymann, Working Paper, July 1994. [Abstract]
4.25 " Large Sample Estimation and Hypothesis Testing," with W. Newey, in R. Engle and D. McFadden, (eds.) HANDBOOK OF ECONOMETRICS, VOL. IV, 2111-2245, North Holland: Amsterdam, 1994. [ Abstract][Full text is only viewable if your site subscribes to Elsevier Science]
4.26 " Estimation by Simulation," with P. Ruud, THE REVIEW OF ECONOMICS AND STATISTICS, VOL. 76, No. 4, 591-608, November 1994. [Abstract]
4.27 " Simulation of Multivariate Normal Rectangle Probabilities and Their Derivatives: Theoretical and Computational Results," with V. Hajivassiliou and P. Ruud, JOURNAL OF ECONOMETRICS, Vol. 72, No. 1-2, 85-134, May-June 1996. [Abstract] [Full text is only viewable if your site subscribes to Science Direct]
4.28 "Lectures on Simulation-Assisted Statistical Inference," presented at the EC-squared Conference, Florence, Italy, December 12, 1996. [Abstract]
4.29 " Estimation of Some Partially Specified Nonlinear Models," with C. Ai, JOURNAL OF ECONOMETRICS, Vol. 76, No. 1-2, 1-37, January-February 1997. [Abstract] [Full text is only viewable if your site subscribes to Science Direct]
4.30 " Modeling Methods for Discrete Choice Analysis," with M. Ben-Akiva, et al., MARKETING LETTERS, Vol. 8, No. 3, 273-286, July 1997. [Abstract] [Full text is only viewable if your site subscribes to SpringerLink]
4.31 " The Method of Simulated Scores for the Estimation of LDV Models," with V. Hajivassiliou, ECONOMETRICA, Vol. 66, No. 4, 863-896, July 1998. [Abstract] [Full text is only viewable if your site subscribes to ProQuest]
4.32 "Specification of Econometric Models," ECONOMETRICA, forthcoming 1998.
4.33 "A Robust Test for Stochastic Dominance," with L. Klecan and R. McFadden, ECONOMETRICA, forthcoming 1998.[Abstract]
4.34 "Discrete Choice Models Incorporating Revealed Preferences and Psychometric Data," with T. Morikawa and M. Ben-Akiva, ECONOMETRIC MODELS IN MARKETING, Vol. 16, 27-53, Elsevier Science: Oxford, 2002. [Abstract]
4.35 "Estimating Features of a Distribution from Binomial Data," with A. Lewbel and O. Linton, Working Paper, December 2001. [Abstract]
4.36 "Mixed MNL Models for Discrete Response," with K. Train, JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECONOMETRICS, Vol. 15, Is. 5, 447-470, John Wiley & Sons Ltd.: New York, December 2000. [Abstract] and Text [Postscript] [PDF]
4.37 "On Selecting Regression Variables to Maximize Their Significance," Working Paper, July 1998. [PDF] in Hsaio et al. (eds.), NONLINEAR STATISTICAL MODELING, Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 2001.[Abstract]
4.38 "Economic Choices," Nobel Lecture, December 2000. AMERICAN ECONOMIC REVIEW, Vol. 91, No. 3, 351-378, June 2001 and in Les Prix Nobel, 2001.[ PDF of preliminary version is 1.44 MB in size.]
4.39 "Observational Studies: Choice-based sampling", INTERNATIONAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF SOCIAL AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES, Vol. 2.1, Article 92, Elsevier Science: Amsterdam, 2001.
4.40 "Observational Studies: Outcome-based sampling", INTERNATIONAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF SOCIAL AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES, edited by Neil J. SmelserPaul B. Baltes, Pergamon, Oxford, 2001. [Full text is only viewable if your site subscribes to Science Direct]
4.41 "Characteristics of Generalized Extreme Value Distributions", with M. Bielaire and D. Bolduc, Working Paper, April, 2003.
4.42"The Browser War - Econometric Analysis of Markov Perfect Equilibrium in Markets with Network Effects", with Mark Jenkins, Paul Liu and Rosa Matzkin, Working Paper, April 2004; revised December 2004.
4.43 "The New Science of Pleasure: Consumer Behavior and the Measurement of Well-Being", Firsch Lecture, Econometric Society World Congress, 2005.
4.44 "Statistical Analysis of Choice Experiments and Surveys", with A. Bemmaor, F. Caro, J. Dominitz, B. Jun, A. Lewbel, R. Matzkin, F. Molinari, N. Schwarz, R. Willis and J. Winter, Marketing Letters, 16:3/4, 183-196, December 2005.
4.45 "Free Markets and Fettered Consumers", 2006 AEA Presidential Address. Forthcoming in American Economic Research, March 2006.
4.46 "On testing for independence in weighted contingency tables", with F. Heiss, B. Jun and J. Winter, Medium for Econometric Applications, 14(2), 11-19, 2006.
4.47 "Maximal Uniform Convergence Rates in Parametric Estimation Problems with W. Beckert, October 2007.
4.48 "The New Science of Pleasure", Working Paper, December 2012.
4.49 "Estimating features of a distribution from binomial data, with A. Lewbel and O. Linton, July 2010.
4.50 "Choice probability generating functions, with M. Fosgerau and M. Bierlaire, NBER Working Paper No.17970, April 2012.
4.51 "The New Science of Pleasure", NBER Working Paper No. 18687, January 2013.
5. Economic Growth and Development
5.1 "Comment on 'An Optimum Fiscal Policy in an Aggregate Model of Economic Growth'," in I. Adelman and E. Thorbecke (eds.), THE THEORY AND DESIGN OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, 140-146, Johns Hopkins Press: Baltimore, MD, 1966.
5.2 " The Evaluation of Development Programmes," THE REVIEW OF ECONOMIC STUDIES, VOL. 34, No. 1, 25-50, 1967. [Full text is only viewable if your site subscribes to JSTOR]
5.3 "On the Existence of Optimal Development Plans," in H. Kuhn (ed.) PROCEEDINGS OF THE SIXTH PRINCETON SYMPOSIUM ON MATHEMATICAL PROGRAMMING, 403-427, Princeton University Press: Princeton, NJ, 1970.
5.4 " Criteria for Public Investment: Comment," THE JOURNAL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY, VOL. 80, No. 6, 1295-1313, November/December 1972.
5.5 "On the Existence of Optimal Development Programmes in Infinite-Horizon Economies," in J. Mirrlees and N.H. Stern (eds.), MODELS OF ECONOMIC GROWTH, 260-282, Macmillan: Great Britain, 1973.
5.6 "Is There Life After Debt? An Econometric Analysis of the Creditworthiness of Developing Countries," with R. Eckaus, G. Feder, V. Hajivassiliou, and S. O'Connell, in J. Cuddington and G. Smith, INTERNATIONAL DEBT AND THE DEVELOPING COUNTRIES, 179-209, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/The World Bank: Washington, D.C., 1985.[Abstract]
5.7 "Hot Money and Cold Comfort: Global Capital Movement and Financial Crises in Emerging Economies", Lecture, Latin American and Carribean Economics Association ANEC Conference on Globalization and Development, 2004
6. Economic Theory and Mathematical Economics
6.1 "On Hicksian Stability, " [PDF File, 1.1M] in J.N. Wolfe (ed.), VALUE, CAPITAL, AND GROWTH, 329-351, University Press: Edinburgh, 1969.
6.2 "On the Controllability of Decentralized Macroeconomic Systems: The Assignment Problem," in H.E. Kuhn and P. Szego (eds.), MATHEMATICAL SYSTEMS THEORY AND ECONOMICS 1, 221-239, Springer-Verlag: New York, 1969.
6.3 "A Simple Remark on the Second Best Pareto Optimality of Market Equilibria" JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC THEORY, VOL. 1, No. 1, 26-38, June 1969.
6.4 "A Technical Note on Classical Gains from Trade," with J.M. Grandmont, JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS, VOL. 2, No. 2, 109-125, 1972.
6.5 "On Some Facets of Betting: Comments ," in M.S. Balch, D. McFadden, and S.Y. Wu (eds.), ESSAYS ON ECONOMIC BEHAVIOR UNDER UNCERTAINTY, 126-137, North-Holland: Amsterdam, 1974. [Abstract]
6.6 "Some Uses of the Expenditure Function in Public Finance," with P.A. Diamond, JOURNAL OF PUBLIC ECONOMICS, Vol. 3, No. 1, 3-21, 1974. Reprinted in J. Creedy (ed.), MEASURING WELFARE CHANGES AND TAX BURDENS, Edward Elgar: London, September 1998.
6.7 "A Characterization of Community Excess Demand Functions," with R. Mantel, A. Mas-Colell, and M.K. Richter, JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC THEORY, VOL. 9, No. 4, 361-374, 1974.
6.8 "An Example of the Non-Existence of Malinvaud Prices in a Tight Economy," JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ECONOMICS, Vol. 2, No. 1, 17-19, 1975.
6.9 " Tchebyscheff Bounds for the Space of Agent Characteristics," JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ECONOMICS, Vol. 2, No. 2, 225-242, 1975.
6.10 "On Efficiency and Pareto Optimality of Competitive Programs in Closed Multisector Models," with M. Majumdar and T. Mitra, JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC THEORY, Vol. 13, No. 1, 26-46, August 1976.
6.11 "Definite Quadratic Forms Subject to Constraint," in M. Fuss and D. McFadden (eds.), PRODUCTION ECONOMICS: A DUAL APPROACH TO THEORY AND APPLICATIONS, Vol. I, 365-373, North-Holland: Amsterdam, 1978.
6.12 "Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for the Classical Programming Problem," in M. Fuss and D. McFadden (eds.), PRODUCTION ECONOMICS: A DUAL APPROACH TO THEORY AND APPLICATIONS, VOL. I, 375-382, North Holland: Amsterdam, 1978.
6.13 "Convex Analysis," in M. Fuss and D. McFadden (eds.), PRODUCTION ECONOMICS: A DUAL APPROACH TO THEORY AND APPLICATIONS, VOL. I, 383-408, North Holland: Amsterdam, 1978.
6.14 " Discussion on Decentralization, Bureaucracy and Government," with Wallace Oates, THE AMERICAN ECONOMIC REVIEW, Vol. 68 No. 2, Papers and Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Meetin of the American Economic Association, 261-263, 1978. [Full text is only viewable if your site subscribes to JSTOR]
6.15 " A Note on the Computability of Tests of the Strong Axiom of Revealed Preference," JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ECONOMICS, Vol. 6, No. 1, 15-16, 1979.
6.16 " Pareto Optimality and Competitive Equilibrium in Infinite Horizon EconomiesB," with M. Majumdar and T. Mitra, JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ECONOMICS, Vol. 7, No. 1, 1-26, 1980.[Abstract]
6.17 "Welfare Analysis of Incomplete Adjustment to Climatic Change," in V.K. Smith and A. White (eds.), ADVANCES IN APPLIED MICRO-ECONOMICS, VOL. 3, 133-149, JAI Press: Greenwich, CT, 1984.
6.18 "Comments and Discussion on Joseph Stiglitz's 'Technological Change, Sunk Costs and Competition,'" BROOKINGS PAPERS ON ECONOMIC ACTIVITY, Issue 3, Washington, 938-941, 1987.
6.19 "Stochastic Rationality and Revealed Stochastic Preference," with M.K. Richter, in J. Chipman, D. McFadden, and M.K. Richter (eds.), PREFERENCES, UNCERTAINTY, AND OPTIMALITY, ESSAYS IN HONOR OF LEO HURWICZ, 161-186, Westview Press: Boulder, CO, 1990.
6.20 "Consumers' Evaluation of New Products: Learning from Self and Others," with K. Train, JOURNAL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY, Vol. 104, No. 4, 683-703, 1996. [Abstract] [Full text is only viewable if your site subscribes to JSTOR]
6.21 "Economic Choice Behavior: Psychological Foundations and the Contributions of Amos Tversky," Working Paper, August 1996. [Abstract]
6.22 "Rationality for Economists," JOURNAL OF RISK AND UNCERTAINTY, Vol. 19, issue 1/3, Kluwer, 73-105, December 1999. [Full text is only viewable if your site subscribes to SpringerLink.]
6.23 "Extended Framework for Modeling Choice Behavior," with M. Ben-Akiva, et al., MARKETING LETTERS, Vol. 10, Issue 3, Kluwer, 187-203, August 1999.[Abstract] [Full text is only viewable if your site subscribes to SpringerLink.]
6.24 "Pricing in a Competitive Market with a Common Network Resource", Working Paper, April 2002.
6.25 "Hybrid Choice Models: Progress and Challenges," with M. Ben-Akiva, et al., MARKETING LETTERS, Vol. 13, Issue 3, 163-175, August 2002
6.26 "Epilogue," MARKETING LETTERS, Vol. 13, Issue 3, 163-175, August 2002
6.27 "Revealed Stochastic Preference: A Synthesis", Working Paper, February 2004.
6.28 "Welfare Economics at the Extensive Margin Giving Gorman Polar Consumers Some Latitude", Working Paper, June 2004
6.29 "Economic juries and public project provision", Journal of Econometrics, Volume 166, Issue 1, January 2012. [Full text is only viewable if your site subscribes to Science Direct]
6.30 "Foundations of Welfare Economics and Product Market Applications", Working Paper, June 2017
7. Energy
7.1 "Forecasting the Impacts of Alternative Electricity Rate Structures: A Feasibility Study," Final Report, California Energy Commission, 1976.
7.2 "Determinants of the Long-Run Demand for Electricity," with C. Puig and D. Kirshner, PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN STATISTICAL ASSOCIATION, 1978.
7.3 "A Two-Level Electricity Demand Model," with J. Hausman and M. Kinnucan, JOURNAL OF ECONOMETRICS, Vol. 10, No. 3, 263-289, 1979.
7.4 "Residential Energy Demand Modeling and the NIECS Data Base: An Evaluation," with T. Cowing and J. Dubin, Report No. MIT-EL-82-009, MIT Energy Laboratory, January 1982.
7.5 "An Analysis of the Distributional Impacts of Energy Policies Affecting Residential Energy Demand: The ORNL Model," with J. Berkovec, T. Cowing, and J. Rust, Discussion Paper No. MIT-EL-82-032WP, MIT Energy Laboratory, April 1982. [Abstract]
7.6 "An Analysis of the Distributional Impacts of Energy Policies Affecting Residential Energy Demand: The REEPS Model," with T. Cowing, Discussion Paper No. MIT-EL 82-057WP, MIT Energy Laboratory, April 1982. [Abstract]
7.7 "An Evaluation of the ORNL Residential Energy Use Model," EPRI REPORT EA-2442, Electronic Research Institute: Palo Alto, June 1982. [Abstract]
7.8 "The NIECS Data Base and Its Use in Residential Energy Demand Modeling," with T. Cowing and J. Dubin, Discussion Paper No. MIT-EL-82-041WP, MIT Energy Laboratory, June 1982.
7.9 "A Thermal Model for Single-Family Owner-Occupied Detached Dwellings in NIECS," with J. Dubin, Discussion Paper No. MIT-EL-040WP, MIT Energy Laboratory, June 1982.[Abstract]
7.10 "A Comparative Evaluation of the ORNL and REEPS Models of Residential Energy Demand for Forecasting Residential Energy Policy Impacts," with J. Berkovec, T. Cowing, and J. Rust, Discussion Paper No. MIT-EL-82-061WP, MIT Energy Laboratory, July 1982.
7.11 "Residential End-Use Energy Planning System (REEPS)," with A. Goett, EPRI REPORT EA-2512, Electronic Power Research Institute: Palo Alto, July 1982. [Abstract]
7.12 " An Econometric Analysis of Residential Electric Appliance Holdings and Consumption," with J. Dubin, ECONOMETRICA, VOL. 52, No. 2, 345-362, March 1984. [Abstract] [Full text is only viewable if your site subscribes to JSTOR]
7.13 "The Residential End-Use Energy Planning System: Simulation Model Structure and Empirical Analysis," with A. Goett, in J. Moroney (ed.), ADVANCES IN THE ECONOMICS OF ENERGY AND RESOURCES, VOL. 5, 153-210, JAI Press: Greenwich, CT, 1984.
7.14 " Consumer Attitudes and Voluntary Rate Schedules for Public Utilities," with K. Train and A. Goett, THE REVIEW OF ECONOMICS AND STATISTICS, VOL. 69, No. 3, 383-391, August 1987. [Abstract] [Full text is only viewable if your site subscribes to JSTOR]
7.15 "Estimating Household Value of Electric Service Reliability with Market Research Data," with A. Goett and C-K. Woo, ENERGY JOURNAL: SPECIAL ELECTRICITY RELIABILITY ISSUE, Vol. 9, 105-120, 1988.
8. Health Economics
8.1 " Estimation of Response Probabilities from Augmented Retrospective Observations," with D. Hsieh and C. Manski, JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN STATISTICAL ASSOCIATION, VOL. 80, No. 391, 651-662, September 1985. [Abstract] [Full text is only viewable if your site subscribes to JSTOR]
8.2 "The Dynamics of Housing Demand by the Elderly: Wealth, Cash Flow, and Demographic Effects," with J. Feinstein, in D. Wise (ed), THE ECONOMICS OF AGING, 55-91, Universtiy of Chicago Press: Chicago, 1989. [Abstract]
8.3 "The Dynamics of Housing Demand by the Elderly: User Cost Effects," with C. Ai, J. Feinstein, and H. Pollakowski, in D. Wise (ed.), ISSUES IN THE ECONOMICS OF AGING, 33-87, University of Chicago Press: Chicago, 1990.
8.4 "Problems of Housing the Elderly in the United States and Japan," in Y. Noguchi and D. Wise (eds.), AGING IN THE UNITED STATES AND JAPAN, 109-137, University of Chicago Press: Chicago, 1994. [ Abstract]
8.5 "Demographics, the Housing Market, and the Welfare of the Elderly," in D. Wise (ed.), STUDIES IN THE ECONOMICS OF AGING, 225-285, University of Chicago Press: Chicago, 1994. [Abstract]
8.6 "Living Arrangements: Health and Wealth Effects," with A. Boersh-Supan and R. Schnabel, in D. Wise (ed.), ADVANCES IN THE ECONOMICS OF AGING, 193-216, University of Chicago Press: Chicago, 1996. [ Abstract]
8.7 "Comment on 'Elderly Health, Housing, and Mobility'," in D. Wise (ed.), ADVANCES IN THE ECONOMICS OF AGING, 317-320, University of Chicago Press: Chicago, 1996.
8.8 "The Impact of Demographics on Housing and Nonhousing Wealth in the United States," with H. Hoynes, in M. Hurd and N. Yashiro (Eds.), THE ECONOMIC EFFECTS OF AGING IN THE UNITED STATES AND JAPAN, 153-194, University of Chicago Press: Chicago, 1997. [Abstract]
8.9 "Subjective Survival Curves and Life Cycle Behavior," with M. Hurd and L. Gan, in D. Wise (ed.), INQUIRIES IN THE ECONOMICS OF AGING, 259-305, University of Chicago Press: Chicago, 1998.[Abstract]
8.10 Consumption and Savings Balances of the Elderly: Experimental Evidence on Survey Response Bias," [Postscript] with M. Hurd, et al., in D. Wise (ed.), FRONTIERS IN THE ECONOMICS OF AGING, 353 -387, University of Chicago Press: Chicago, 1998. [ Abstract]
8.11 " Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise? Socioeconomic Status, Morbidity, and Mortality among the Elderly," with M. Hurd and A. Merrill, Working Paper, April 1998. Forthcoming in JOURNAL OF ECONOMETRICS. " Revised May 2001 for NBER Conference on the Economics of Aging, Boulders, Colorado.
8.12 "Comments on Ronald Lee & Shripad Tuljapurkar's 'Population Forecasting for Fiscal Planning: Issues and Innovations,'" in Alan Aurbach and R. Lee (eds.) DEMOGRAPHIC CHANGE AND FISCAL POLICY, Cambridge University Press:Cambridge, 2001.
8.13 " Predictors of Mortality Among the Elderly," with M. Hurd and A. Merrill in D. Wise (ed.) THEMES IN THE ECONOMICS OF AGING, University of Chicago Press: Chicago, 2001.
8.14 "Comment on 'Incentive Effects of Social Security Under an Uncertain Disability Option'", in D. Wise (ed.) THEMES IN THE ECONOMICS OF AGING, University of Chicago Press: Chicago, 2001.
8.15 "Response Behavior in Surveys of the Elderly: Experimental Evidence from Internet Surveys" with Joachim Winter, Conference Draft, March 2001.
8.16 "Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise? Tests for Direct Causal Paths between Health and Socioeconomic Status", with P. Adams, M. Hurd, A. Merrill, and T. Ribeiro, JOURNAL OF ECONOMETRICS, Vol 112, Issue 1, 3-56, 2003.
8.17 "Response" , with P. Adams, M. Hurd, A. Merrill, and T. Ribeiro, JOURNAL OF ECONOMETRICS, Vol 112, Issue 1, 129-133, 2003.
8.18 " Individual Subjective Survival Curves", with L. Gan and M. Hurd, NBER Working Paper No. 9480, January 2003.
8.19 "Subjective Mortality Risk and Bequests", with L. Gan, G. Gong and M. Hurd, NBER Working Paper No. 10789, September 2004
8.20 " Medicare prescription drug coverage: Consumer information and preferences", with J. Winter, R. Balza, F. Caro, F. Heiss, B. Jun and R. Matzkin, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, May 2006.
8.21 "Who Failed to Enroll in Medicare Part D, and Why? Early Results", with J. Winter and F. Heiss. Health Affairs, doi: 10.1377/hlthaff.25.w344, August 2006.
8.22 "Mind the Gap! Consumer Perceptions and Choices of Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Plans", with J. Winter and F. Heiss, Working Paper, November, 2007.
8.23 "Consumer-Directed Health Care: Can Consumers Look After Themselves?", with J. Winter and F. Heiss, Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics, 144(3), 285-307 July, 2008.
8.24 "The Human Side of Mechanism Design, A Tribute to Leo Hurwicz and Jean-Jacque Laffont", December 2008.
8.25 "The Demand for Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Coverage: Evidence from Four Waves of the Retirement Perspectives Survey", with F. Heiss and J. Winter, Explorations in the Economics of Aging, 159-182, 2011
8.26 "Remedies for Sick Insurance", with C. Noton and P. Olivella, NBER Working Paper No. 17938, March 2012.
8.27 "A Theory of the Perturbed Consumer with General Budgets", with F. Mogens, NBER Working Paper No. 17953, March 2012.
8.28 "Comment on 'The Financial Crisis and the Well-Being of America'", in Investigations in the Economics of Aging, June 2012.
"'Healthy, Wealthy and Wise?' Revisited: An Analysis of the Causal Pathways from Socioeconomic Status to Health", with T. Stowasser, F. Heiss, and J. Winter, in Investigations in the Economics of Aging, June 2012.
8.29 "Plan selection in Medicare Part D: Evidence from administrative data, with F. Heiss, A. Leive, and J. Winter, NBER Working Paper No. 18166, June 2012.
8.30 "Suit the action to the word, the word to the action: Hypothetical choices and real decisions in Medicare Part D", with I. Kesternish, F. Heiss, and J. Winter, October 2012.
8.31 "Risk attitudes and Medicare Part D enrollment decisions", with S. Vetter, F. Heiss, and J. Winter, Economics Letters, Volume 119, Issue 2, May 2013.
8.32 "Understanding the SES Gradient in Health Among the Elderly: The Role of Childhood Circumstances", with T. Stowasser, F. Heiss and J. Winter, June 2013.
8.29 "Comment on 'Evidence for Significant Compression of Morbidity in the Elderly U.S. Population'", with W. Xie, Discoveries in the Economics of Aging, June 2013.
8.30 "A Cautionary Tale in Comparative Effectiveness Research: Pitfalls and Perils of Observational Data Analysis", with A. Franco, D. Goldman and A. Leive, in Measuring and Modeling Health Care Costs, December 2013.
9. Environmental Economics
9.1 "Assessing Use Value Losses Caused by Natural Resource Injury," with J.A. Hausman and G. Leonard, in J. Hausman (ed.), CONTINGENT VALUATION: A CRITICAL ASSESSMENT, 341-363, North Holland: Amsterdam, 1993. [ Abstract]
9.2 "Issues in the Contingent Valuation of Environmental Goods: Methodologies for Data Collection and Analysis," with G. Leonard, in J. Hausman (ed.), CONTINGENT VALUATION: A CRITICAL ASSESSMENT, 165-208, North Holland: Amsterdam, 1993. [Abstract]
9.3 " Contingent Valuation and Social Choice," AMERICAN JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS, Vol. 76, No. 4, 689-708, November 1994. [ Abstract] [Full text is only viewable if your site subscribes to the EBSCO Host]
9.4 " A Utility-consistent, Combined Discrete Choice and Count Data Model Assessing Recreational Use Losses Due to Natural Resource Damage," with J. Hausman and G. Leonard, JOURNAL OF PUBLIC ECONOMICS, Vol. 56, No. 1, 1-30, 1995. [Abstract] [Full text is only viewable if your site subscribes to the Science Direct]
9.5 "Why is Natural Resource Damage Assessment So Hard?," Hibbard Lecture, Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, May, 1996. [ Abstract]
9.6 "Measuring Environmental Injury in the Presence of Confounding Risks," Working Paper, May 1996. [Abstract]
9.7 "On the Analysis of Endogenously Recruited Panels," Working Paper, February 1997.
9.8 "Can Meta-analyses of CV Studies Determine Their Reliability?" Working Paper, October 1997.
9.9 "Referendum Contingent Valuation, Anchoring, and Willingness to Pay for Public Goods," with D. Green, K. Jacowitz, and D. Kahneman, RESOURCE AND ENERGY ECONOMICS, Vol. 20, 85- 116, 1998.
9.10 "Computing Willingness-to-Pay in Random Utility Models," in J. Moore, R. Riezman, and J. Melvin (eds.), TRADE, THEORY AND ECONOMETRICS: ESSAYS IN HONOUR OF JOHN S. CHIPMAN, Routledge: London, 1999.
9.11 " Comment on Discussion of Morey and Waldman's 'Measurement Error in Recreation Demand Models,'" with K. Train and R. Johnson in JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT, Vol 40, 76-81, 2000. [Full text is only viewable if your site subscribes to the Elsevier ScienceDirect.]
10. Miscellaneous and Unpublished Works
10.1 "Existence Conditions for Theil-Type Preferences," Working Paper, June 1963.
10.2 "A Theory of Regional Economic Growth II," University of Pittsburgh Working Paper, June 1963.
10.3 "On Malinvaud Prices," Working Paper No. 123, 1965.
10.4 "A 'Natural' Norm Topology for a Class of Linear Vector Spaces Occuring in Economics and Control Theory," Working Paper, 1966.
10.5 "Technical Change, Substitutionability, and Returns to Scale in Electricity Generation, Part I: A Theoretical Model," with A. Belifante, Working Paper, 1968.
10.6 "Conditional Logit Analysis Statistical Estimation Package: User's Manual," with C.K. Liew, Working Paper, June 1969.
10.7 "Estimation and Testing of Models of Individual Choice Behavior from Data on a Population of Subjects," University of California, Berkeley Working Paper, 1971.
10.8 "On the Extension of a Probability to the Boolean Algebra Generated by a Family of Events, with a Application to Choice Theory," with M. Richter, Working Paper, 1971.
10.9 "Behavioral Demand Model for CATV," University of California, Berkeley Working Paper, 1972.
10.10 "The Push-Peter Principle," with G. Akerlof, University of California, Berkeley Working Paper, August 1972.
10.11 "BART: Demand Forecasts and Policy Alternatives," Seminar Notes, January 1974.
10.12 "On Constraining the Spectral Radius of a Real Square Matrix within the Unit Circle," with L.J. Lau, Working Paper, 1975.
10.13 "Properties of the Multinomial Logit (MNL) Model," Institute of Transportation Studies Working Paper No. 7617, September 1976.
10.14 "A Closed-Form Multinomial Choice Model Without Independence from Irrelevant Alternatives Restriction," Institute of Transportation Studies Working Paper No. 7703, February 1977.
10.15 "Regulation of Urban Passenger Transportation: Some Evidence on Impacts," with A. Talvitie, Working Paper, April 1978.
10.16 "On the Use of Probabilistic Choice Models in Economics," MIT Working Paper, August 1978.
10.17 "A Model of Electricity Consumption by Time of Day," Working Paper, February 1978.
10.18 "Econometric Net Supply Systems for Firms with Continuous and Discrete Commodities," MIT Working Paper, 1979.
10.19 "Determinants of the Residential Demand for Long Distance Telephone Service," with K. Train, Cambridge Systematics, 1979.
10.20 "Operating Rules for Public Enterprise," in International Symposium on Industrial Policies for the '80s, Madrid, Spain, May 5-9, 1980.
10.21 "Statistical Issues in Estimating a Commodity Flow Database," M.I.T. Working Paper, 1980.
10.22 "Comment on 'On Setting the Agenda for Pennsylvania School Finance Reform: An Exercise in Giving Policy Advice'," PUBLIC CHOICE: SPECIAL SYMPOSIUM ON COLLECTIVE CHOICE IN EDUCATION ISSUE, Vol. 36, No. 3, 477-480, 1981, reprinted in M. Bowman, COLLECTIVE CHOICE in EDUCATION, 99-102, Kluwer-Nijhoff: Boston, 1982.
10.23 "Efficiency Decisions, Thermal Modeling, and Conservation Analysis in Residential End-Use Energy Policy System," CSI Working Paper, 1982.
10.24 "Coffee and Cancer: A Study of the Epidemiological Information Required for Economic Analysis of Health Policy," with D. Hsieh and C. Manski, MIT Working Paper, 1983.
10.25 "Normal Discrete Marginal, Continuous Conditional Model with Stratification on the Discrete Variable," Working Paper, April 1983.
10.26 "A Framework for Electric Utility Market Research," Cambridge Systematics Working Paper, May 1986.
10.27 "Simulation Methods for Unemployed Theorists: Notes for Discussion," Working Paper, April 1992.
10.28 "A Comment on Job Creation and Destruction," Working Paper, February 1996. [Abstract]
10.29 "Econometric Estimation in Biased Samples," Working Paper, June 1996. [Abstract]
10.30 "Sample Design and Analysis for Discrete Panel Data," Working Paper, September 1996. [Abstract]
10.31 "The Tragedy of the Commons", Forbes, September 10, 2001
10.32 "The Economics of Social Security Reform", January 2005
10.33 "Interstate Wine Shipments and E-Commerce," Journal of Wine Economics, Vol. 1, No. 1, May 2006.
Last modified: 12/10/08